POND CARRYING CAPACITY Concepts of Carrying capacity Carrying capacity – Must be careful of overloading
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Concepts of Carrying capacity Flow index: Density Index:
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Concepts: Factors Density Oxygen Ammonia Suspended solids
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Data needed: 1. Physical parameters Pond dimensions Water use Elevation above sea level Daily mean water temperature Water inflow rates
POND CARRYING CAPACITY 2. Chemical parameters: 3. Water discharge permit specifications: ammonia Solids phosphate
POND CARRYING CAPACITY 4. Feed quality metabolizeable energy (kcal/kg) Density Carrying Capacity (spatial requirements) Wden = V*Di Wden: Biomass (kg) per unit length (cm) Di: Density index (kg/cm/m3)
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Species kg/cm/m3 RBT 3.0 Steelhead 1.5 Chinook salmon 1.8 Coho salmon 2.4 Atlantic salmon 1.8
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Density-based permissible biomass in the rearing unit Bio = Wden*L Bio: permissible biomass (kg) Wden: biomass per unit body length (kg/cm)
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Oxygen carrying capacity Single-pass system W = F*L*I W: permissible biomass F: flow index (see table) L: length I: water inflow F value:
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Multiple-pass system (w/o aeration) Increases potential of fish health problems: accumulation of waste products Reduction in DO available Dependent on fall ht, water temp, elev., etc. Simple method - Life support index (from tables 14/15) should be reduced by 25% for first use and 30% for additional ponds
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Multiple-pass system (with aeration) Pumped air or pure O2 Treat as single-pass (be careful) Risk of nitrogen supersaturation (acute >110%, chronic 102%) Water quality
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Circulating water systems - Similar concepts, but lower water flows - Generally need supplemental aeration - May remove dependency of fish on DO
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Ammonia carrying capacity - Ammonia in unionized form (NH3) is harmful - End-product of protein metabolism Single-pass – Multiple-pass – may exceed limit of 0.03 - Accumulation with each reuse of water - Must reduce feeding rate
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Circulating systems - Accumulation due to increases water retention time - - Recirculating systems - -
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Suspended solids carrying capacity – no reliable method to calculate Depends on: 1. Digestibility of feed (FCR) 2. Feeding techniques If solids accumulate – fish health problems
POND CARRYING CAPACITY Application of CC: Stock pond for “take-out” - number of fish (plus mortality) that are to be removed at a specified time 1. Establish date 2. 3. Calculate temp.-based daily growth rate (table 4) 4. 5. 6. Nat. mortality (0.02-0.03% per day) 7.
PRODUCT DEFINITION Product potential/planning The 5 W’s: Who What Where When Why