What is State of Emergency?
What is State of Emergency ? State of Emergency is when a provincial municipal level of government calls out a natural danger or man made disaster or even war. The state of emergency helps out people in need during a disaster. The government can handle the crisis by sending or spending money the governments that are involved in State of Emergency are the the Municipal, provincial and the state level government.
Who decides the state of emergency ? The government of the level of municipal can declare State of emergency, it means the city or the town or even the mayor of the city or town decides the state of emergency provincial government can also decide the State of emergency the provincial government can help the places that are in need of help during a disaster.
Why is State of emergency important ? The reason why State of Emergency is important is because if we never had State of emergency during a disaster people would suffer and die. If people had diseases they would die, from not getting help from State of emergency If there wasn’t State of emergency people wouldn’t be evacuated and casualties would be big and the loss of lives would be big, and the government would be blamed for not doing anything.
What is it used for ? It is used for usually used for natural disasters or manmade disasters or a massive spread of disease like ebola malaria or a crisis of refugees of a span of millions. Basically it’s used to help people in massive amount of need.
Who decides the state of emergency ? The prime minister usually calls for a state of emergency. But other governments can also decide a state of emergency governments at the level of municipal, provincial, even government from the ministry can call in a state of emergency.
How does it affect us ? If we are in crisis or danger the government can call in a state of emergency and we could be saved even if it comes to war, disease, or natural/manmade disaster, The government call out a State of emergency it could affect you in the number of lives saved, your health, and safety, and food.
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