Bellringer 10/12/16 What is the most interesting thing you learned from the previous presentations last time?
Key Terms Symbols Language Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Nonverbal Communication Bilingualism in the U.S.
Symbols & Symbolism in America People use and interpret symbols pretty much on a daily basis. Symbols can be defined as signs, objects, signals and words that convey meanings which societies understand. Our world is chock full of symbols. Some examples: This symbol means Handicapped; often means whatever is labeled as such is reserved for people who have that legal status This symbol stands for Recycle; it is often found on receptacles that are used for things that are recycled. This symbol means Caution; often seen on packages, in dangerous areas, etc., to let people know that they should be careful there.
Symbols Cont. Most of the time, we don’t even notice the symbols in our daily lives. However, when they are used in ways that aren’t common, or defy norms, then we take notice. Examples: Burning of the American Flag, or not standing for the Pledge Putting a biohazard sign on your bedroom door, etc. Another powerful use of symbols is an artform called the Political Cartoon. So what is a political cartoon? It is a statement on the political climate, world, etc., Often uses symbols to make a point: Link
Symbols, Cont. Political cartoons use symbols in many fun, unique ways. They also use other methods to get their points across, of course. VID HW: Create a Political Cartoon based on some of the societal issues that currently plague our nation. Examples: Pokémon GO Pledge Protest (Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter, Police Shootings, etc) Election 2016 (Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, etc.)
Communication People can obviously communicate thru language, etc. Another way is nonverbal communication. Emojis are often used to show this nonverbal communication. Examples: A thumbs up for example means “That’s good” in America, but it means other things in other cultures. A wave of the hand can mean multiple things, like “Come Here”, “No thanks”, “Goodbye”, etc.
HW: Research and pick a societal / social issue that you feel strongly about. Figure out what symbols you can use to convey your idea. Use other persuasive technics as well to powerfully support your message. This assignment is due Monday, October 17th. All other assignments for this class are due no later than Friday, Oct. 14th.