Book XXIII Journal
Book XXIII: Journal You have 10 minutes to respond to the following journal prompt(s): If you were Penelope, would you have been able to forgive Odysseus? Did Odysseus have the right to be upset when Penelope didn’t believe that he really was Odysseus?
Book XXIII: Reader’s Guide Lines 1 - 175 With excitement, the nurse went to ________________’s bed and awoke her telling her that ____________ had returned. He had also ______________ all of the _________________. Penelope did not believe her and said that she should go back _______________ and not let anyone else come into her room. The nurse tells her that it is not a ______________ and that the ________________ was actually ___________________. _________________ knew about it ____________ ago. Penelope’s heart was full and she suddenly started _______________. Eurykleia then continues to tell her that she saw Odysseus with her own eyes and that the corpses of the suitors are gathered by the ____________. Penelope suddenly became skeptical. She doesn’t believe that this man could be ____________. She decides that she must ask him a ________________ that only the real Odysseus would know. Penelope was ___________ at the sight of him and was hesitant to talk with him. Odysseus tells Telemachus that he should be patient because Penelope would __________ him at her ____________. He then suggests that they all bathe and dress in their finest so that everyone passing by would believe that there was a ____________ occurring. Lines 176 - 235 Everyone did as suggested. Athena then lent Odysseus __________, head to foot. She made him __________ and more ____________ with ______________ hair in curls like flowers but all __________________. He then went to see his ___________ wife. Penelope then tells Eurykleia that she should make his bed and move it from the chamber. Odysseus screamed at her saying that no ________________ can do that because it was their _______________. Their bed was built from an _____________ tree. The whole house was centered around that room. Penelope suddenly began to _____________ and she ____________ to Odysseus.
Book XXIII: Reader’s Guide Lines 236 - End She begs ________________ not to be angry with her for testing him. No other man had ever seen the inside of that room. Odysseus then says that they should go to sleep because he must leave the next day. He must travel from __________ to _________ telling of the sea. He must wait to meet a traveler who will say: _____________________________________________________? At that time Odysseus must ____________ his oar and burn offerings to ______________. At that time he may come home and ___________. Odysseus and Penelope await their bed to be made and Odysseus tells her the story of his travels. The next morning, he left his family once again to see his ______________ and to finish his journey.
Lego Break: Bagpiper Bagpiping runs in the Bagpiper’s blood. His father played the bagpipes, and so did his grandfather, his great-grandfather and their grandfathers before them, all the way back to the day the beloved musical instrument first arrived in Scotland. He’s played his pipes for weddings, marches, wrestling matches and haggis-eating contests (he’s also played them at chess tournaments and libraries, but for some reason his enthusiastic performances didn’t go over so well then). Other musical styles may come and go, but the Bagpiper knows in his heart that the bagpipes will last forever!
Homework Odyssey Essay Also turned in with Final Draft: Rough Draft due Next Class Peer Edits during next class – factors in Writing Process Final Draft due A: 12/16, B: 12/17 Also turned in with Final Draft: Odyssey Quiz Sheets Odyssey Journals Odyssey Reading Guides Odyssey Books This date also marks the end of the unit.