What are fattening rooms?
Admire (verb) Sentences: -The lady wanted everyone to admire her. -On our way to the mountains, we stopped to admire the view Definition- to look at something or someone and think about how beautiful or wonderful it is.
Contest (Noun) Sentence- UCI will have a singing contest. Definition- a competition or a game
Future (adjective) Sentences- Mary is my future wife. We need to be nice to future UCI students. Definition- Happening at a later time.
Mat (noun) Sentences- There is a mat for you to sit on. Definition- Something that you put on the floor.
Slim (adjective) Sentence- In America, all the ladies want to be slim. Definition- Skinny, thin
Afford (verb) Sentence: I cannot afford a 20 million dollar house. Definition- To have enough money to do something
Enormous (adjective) Sentence- My sister’s house is enormous Definition- Very big, very large
Limit (noun) Sentences: -Your spending limit is $500. -There is no limit to how much you can eat. Definition: The largest amount possible
Responsible (adjective) Sentence: -Be a responsible student and do all your homework. Definition: Behaving correctly
DOESN’T MIND Sentence: -She doesn’t mind if you use her car. Definition: -To NOT be angry or upset.
Do their duty Sentence: -Parents must do their duty and take care of their children. Definition: -to do something that you MUST do because it is right.
In the old days Sentence: In the old days, many people did not go to school Definition: A long time ago
Kinds of Sentence: -The grocery store has all different kinds of food Definition: -styles of