Composition of the Atmosphere 10/09/15
Composition: What something is made of AIR COMPOSITION!? Composition: What something is made of Air acts like a liquid—it moves, flows and causes weather!
Air is held in place by GRAVITY—it also has MASS! GRAVITY and AIR!?! Yaaas! Air is held in place by GRAVITY—it also has MASS! Gravity-- less powerful as you leave Earth’s surface As a result -- fewer air molecules as you move away from the Earth
1% other gases (CO2, helium, argon, neon, hydrogen…) AIR!!! The air around us is: 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% other gases (CO2, helium, argon, neon, hydrogen…)
Water is in the air we breathe— known as water vapor HUMIDITY: The amount of water vapor in the air H2O vapor is the cause of most weather!
What do you think he experienced? Felix Jumps at 128K feet! 128,000 feet!? What layer is that!?!? What do you think he experienced?