Sound Chapter 11
Sound Produced by vibrating object that sends disturbance through surrounding medium (usually air) Longitudinal waves
Pitch Our impression of the frequency of sound High pitched sounds = high frequency Low pitched sounds = low frequency
Media that Transmit Sound Sound requires a medium to transmit through Sound cannot be produced in a vacuum Sound is produced in solids, liquids and gases Solid > liquid > gas Sound is transmitted louder and faster in solids
Speed of Sound In air, approximately 330 m/s. If you increase temperature of air, increases speed of sound Elastic materials transmit sound faster than inelastic materials
Loudness Intensity and loudness are related Intensity of sound is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the sound wave
Interference Sound waves have interference Crest of wave is area of compression in longitudinal wave Trough = area of rarefaction
Destructive interference of sound waves can produce dead spots (where you cannot hear any sound) Constructive interference produces a louder sound in those areas