QQ: What 2 factors have the greatest affect on global sea levels? How has the sea level changed in the last 25 years? What kind of water makes up glaciers and icebergs? What percentage of our fresh water is stored in global ice caps? What is the driving energy source behind the water cycle?
How has the sea level changed in the last 25 years? It has risen which is sign of global climate change.
What kind of water makes up glaciers and icebergs? Fresh water
What percentage of our fresh water is stored in global ice caps? 69%
What is the driving energy source behind the water cycle? The Sun
Today’s Objective: I understand the need to protect the fragile hydrosphere.
Greenhouse Gases: Water vapor & Methane 30% Other gases 10% Nitrous oxide 5% Carbon Dioxide 55%
How does the heat from the oceans affect climate? Moves heat with currents Makes areas near ocean warmer Brings more precipitation to coastal areas Spreads heat radiated by Sun around world
Septic Tank: Cleans used water at individual homes
Septic: make putrid Over ¼ of US homes use septic tanks Around 1 billion gallons of H2O empty into them each year
Purification Process used to take impurities and contaminants out of something (like water)
Desalination: Taking separating salt from water to make it usable for humans
Process removing impurities from H2O by boiling Distillation: Process removing impurities from H2O by boiling
Reverse Osmosis: Separates impurities by pressure that lets water through but stops impurities
Carrying Capacity: The amount of a population that can live in an area without dying.
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Deep Ocean Mysteries