ROAR Behavior of the Week When you have visitors, always be on your best behavior. They may be nervous, so reach out to make them feel welcome .
Word of the Day Monday evolve (verb): develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form Sample sentence: The community observed the building evolve from a one-story structure to a twenty-story high-rise.
Word of the Day Tuesday incompetent (adjective): not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully Sample sentence: The incompetent robber locked himself in the back vault.
Word of the Day Wednesday digress (verb): leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing Sample sentence: If you get too emotional talking about your father, you may digress.
Word of the Day Thursday inconceivable (adjective): not capable of being imagined Sample sentence: It is inconceivable to think the small boy walked thirteen miles without shoes in the frigid temperatures.
Word of the Day Friday potent (adjective): having great power, influence, or effect Sample sentence: The potent poison killed the rat within seconds.
ACT Practice Problems of the Day Monday - Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday - Friday -
ACT: Did you know? ACT Math Tip: If you are asked to find the distance around a circle (A.K.A. circumference) use either of these two formulas…