Housekeeping Friday ABC Questions & Character Sketches due now Other Items of Business??
Activity #1: Lab Log onto Synergy immediately. Complete the Grade Reflection form. Take your time and respond honestly. If you have a 74 or below, it must be signed by a parent/guardian in order to get a grade. Turn it in if you have a 75 or above.
Body Biographies A body biography is a way to analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. You will work in small groups (3-5) to create a body biography about one of the 3 complex characters in ABC: Monkey King, Jin, or Danny.
Today’s Task You will have 3 minutes to choose your own groups. Remember, 3 to 5 people per group. Choose wisely, because part of your grade comes from how well you work as a team. No, you can’t do it alone. And no, you can’t have 2 people. Once you pick a group, discuss which character you want. Begin a ROUGH draft. This means: Start discussing what you want to use for each body part. Make a list and/or an actual sketch on notebook paper. Think about/start drafting your short original text.