Causes of World War II: Rise of the Dictators Focus Question: Why did totalitarian states rise after WWI and what did they do?
The Legacy of the Treaty of Versailles Predict: Using what you remember from the Treaty of Versailles (ended World War I); which countries will be unhappy with the result of the treaty? What do you think they will do?
Remnants of the Treaty of Versailles The punishments Germany suffered in the Treaty created resentment. The problems overwhelmed Germany and they went in to a depression which made it easier for the Nazi party to rise to power. New democracies collapsed and dictators were able to seize power.
Anarchism Absolutely No Government at all! Leaders/Countries: None
Communism Government owns everything There are no social classes Leaders/Countries Joseph Stalin/Russia
Democracy Government by the people or their elected representatives Leaders/Countries: FDR/United States Winston Churchill/Great Britain George Clemenceau/France
Fascism Fascism ~ stressed the pride of nationalism and the interests of the state over the individual Leaders/Countries: Adolf Hitler/Germany Benito Mussolini/Italy Emperor Hirohito/Japan
Totalitarian Government – Single party or leader controls every aspect of the lives of its people Emperor Hirohito Dictator of Japan Adolf Hitler Dictator of Germany Benito Mussolini Dictator of Italy
Why do you think totalitarian governments were able to come to power after World War I?
European Reaction Favor policy of appeasement This did not work! The leaders became more bold and aggressive instead! Appease: to pacify or please someone to avoid conflict. -ex: the waitress appeased the customer even though he was rude.
Failures of the League of Nations to Stop Aggressive Actions 1931 ~ Japan invades Manchuria and withdraws from the League 1933 ~ Hitler removes Germany from the League 1935 ~ Hitler begins to build up his military (direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles) 1935 ~ Mussolini’s Italian Army marches into Ethiopia and takes control of it by 1936 1938 ~ Hitler invades Austria 1938 ~ Hitler invades Czechoslovakia Sept 1, 1939 ~ Hitler invades Poland with blitzkrieg (lightening war) Sept 3, 1939 ~ France and Britain declare war on Germany
Alliances of World War II Allied Powers Axis Powers Great Britain Neville Chamberlain Winston Churchill Germany Adolf Hitler 2. France Charles de Gualle 2. Italy Benito Mussolini 3. United States (1941) FDR 3. Japan (1940) Emperor Hirohito 4. Soviet Union (1941) Joseph Stalin
Follow-Up Work Complete Content & Academic Vocabulary on pp. 266, 271, and 276 Complete question 1 – 5 IN COMPLETE SENTENCES on pl 270 Answer the question in the Reading Progress Check on p. 272