Ch 2 Sec 4 The Rise of New Empires
The Assyrian Empire Included Mesopotamia Part of Iran Syria Palestine Egypt
Glorified the military Built the strongest army Assyrian Military Glorified the military Built the strongest army Used terror as a weapon Completely destroyed the land of the people they fought.
Military cont. Built city walls 20 feet high and 20 feet wide Used Iron swords Used shields made of copper and iron First army to use advanced planning
Sennacherib Sacked 89 cities and 829 villages Burned Babylon and killed most of its’ people
Ashurbanipal Peace loving king Prided himself on his ability to read several languages Built many libraries
Capital of the Assyrian empire was Nineveh End Capital of the Assyrian empire was Nineveh The Assyrians were defeated by the Chaldeans
Nebuchadnezzar Leader of the Chaldeans Made his capital at Babylon Created the famous hanging gardens
Nebuchadnezzar Cont. Built city walls so thick it was said a two wheeled chariot with two horses side by side could run around the top of it. His empire fell to Persians shortly after his death.
Persia Lived in the area that is today Iran Nomadic until one family unified them
Cyrus The Great United Persia Ruled from 559-530 BC Captured Babylon Allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem Had a reputation as a wise and merciful ruler
Cambyses Son of Cyrus Brutal ruler Conquered Egypt Hated Egyptian religion and destroyed all images of Egyptian Gods Died after ruling 8 years.
Darius Extended the empire into India Divided Persia into 20 provinces
A Satrap was aGovernor inserted by Darius to rule in Persian provinces Satraps A Satrap was aGovernor inserted by Darius to rule in Persian provinces The Royal Road, a 1600 mile long road linking the entire empire was built.
Persian Religion Based on the teachings of Zoroaster. Supreme God brought all things into being Taught that actions governed your afterlife Good went to paradise Bad to a fiery pit
After Darius kings became more concerned about their own wealth Fall After Darius kings became more concerned about their own wealth Repeated tax increases hurt people’s loyalty. Eventually overthrown.