Music For Large Ensemble 1. Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No4, Mvt 1.
Questions to answer whilst listening: How does Bach ensure that the recorders (flutes) can be heard in the 1st 12 bars, even though everyone is playing? Which continuo instrument can you hear most clearly? There are almost no dynamic markings, but can you hear apparent changes in dynamics? If so, how are they achieved? Why does the music sound energetic and happy?
Private study question 1 Explain the following terms and state to which instruments they apply in this work: concertino, ripieno and continuo.
Private study question 2 How does Bach make bars 69-83 sound exciting?
Private study question 3 Comment on the rhythm of the solo violin part in bars 83-136.
Private study question 4 What are the main differences between the recorder (flute) parts in bars 125-156 and their parts in bars 165-186?
Private study questions 1-4 Explain the following terms and state to which instruments they apply in this work: Concertino, ripieno and continuo. How does Bach make bars 69-83 sound exciting? Comment on the rhythm of the solo violin part in bars 83-136. What are the main differences between the recorder (flute) parts in bars 125-156 and their parts in bars 165-186?