Things you need to know…and will be graded on. Presenting a Speech Things you need to know…and will be graded on.
VOICE Volume – the loudness or softness of sound Make sure your audience can hear you AND understand you. Speak louder or softer for emphasis. Articulation – The clarity of speech Speak clearly with full voice. Quality - The personality of your voice, resonant, throaty, nasal, etc. VOICE
Put energy in your voice. Read punctuation correctly *Put energy in your voice! Read punctuation correctly. Use your voice to add expression to what your saying. *Be appropriate in tone. Sometimes when we get nervous we laugh inappropriately during serious moments. *Do not distract your audience.
Pacing The SPEED of your speech Take your time to get your point across. Accelerate for a few sentences to excite or Slow down and pause to emphasize some words. Breathe through your speech. If we can’t hear it or understand it…what’s the point of “speeching” it? Pacing
Verbal Pause Verbal is… Pause means to…. Together what is a verbal pause?????? Verbal Pause
Practice Time Match your voice to each situation
Importance of Warm Ups They may sound or feel funny but they will help with your voice preparation.
Eye Contact: Make sure you scan your audience in the 3 major areas (left, right, middle) Gesture naturally, as you would when you talk with friends. Free your hands! Don’t pace around through the speech. Choose 2 or 3 places where you’ll take a step or two. HULA HOOP of SAFETY Don’t stay in one place like a stiff board!! BODY LANGUAGE