Gli Attori di un Intervento Internazionale Mantova, 5 novembre 2018
Principali Attori di una Missione Internazionale Organizzazioni internazionali mondiali (ONU) e regionali (NATO, UE, OSCE, ecc.) Forze di sicurezza locali e internazionali Istituzioni governative locali e internazionali, Ambasciate Agenzie/organizzazioni governative (es. USAID, Cooperazione Italiana) Organizzazioni Non Governative/NGO (ICRC, MSF, ….) Donor statuari (Governi) e privati (es., Aga Khan Development Network) Media locali, nazionali e internazionali Popolazione locale (in ruolo passivo e attivo) Opinione pubblica locale, nazionale e internazionale Altri (cittadini stranieri, turisti, ecc.) Avversari
Wide Range of Actors (Afghanistan) NATO SCR AFGHANISTAN EMBASSIES
Reconstruction & Development Lines of Efforts Conditions Security Safe/Secure Environment Established Essential Services Restored Local Governance Established Counterinsurgency Counter-Terrorism Local Forces Reconstruction & Development Social & Economic Development Creation of Essential Services Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration (DDR) Governance Institution Mentoring Link Local Institution with Population Fighting Corruption/Drug Trade Human Rights
UN Cluster Approach The most visible aspect of the UN Humanitarian Reform of 2005 is the creation of the Cluster Approach. Clusters are groups of humanitarian organizations (UN and non-UN) working in the main sectors of humanitarian action. They are created when clear humanitarian needs exist within a sector, when there are numerous actors within sectors and when national authorities need coordination support. Clusters create partnerships between international humanitarian actors, national and local authorities, and civil society. OCHA works closely with global cluster lead agencies and NGOs to develop policies, coordinate inter-cluster issues, disseminate operational guidance and organize field support, in order to provides guidance and support and facilitates inter-cluster coordination.
The NGO Non-Governmental Organizations, commonly referred to as NGOs, are usually nonprofit and sometimes international organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations (though often funded by governments) that are active in humanitarian, educational, healthcare, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives. NGOs are usually funded by donations, but some avoid formal funding altogether and are run primarily by volunteers. NGOs are highly diverse groups of organizations engaged in a wide range of activities, and take different forms in different parts of the world. Some may have charitable status, while others may be registered for tax exemption based on recognition of social purposes. Others may be fronts for political, religious, or other interests. Since the end of WWII, NGOs have had an increasing role in international development particularly in the fields of humanitarian assistance and poverty alleviation. The number of NGOs worldwide is estimated to be 10 million. Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008. india is estimated to have had around 2 million NGOs in 2009. China is estimated to have approximately 440,000 officially registered NGOs. About 1.5 million domestic and foreign NGOs operated in the United States in 2017.
Altri Principali Attori The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), established in 1863, is based on the Geneva Conventions of 1949, their Additional Protocols, its Statutes – and those of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – and the resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence. It takes action in response to emergencies and at the same time promotes respect for international humanitarian law and its implementation in national law. The World Bank (WB) is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. 189 member countries, staff and offices in over 130 locations. The World Bank Group works in more than 170 countries with partners in the public and private sectors in their efforts to end poverty and tackle some of the most pressing development challenges. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a private, international association. The association is made up mainly of doctors and health sector workers and is also open to all other professions which might help in achieving its aims. MSF provides assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict. The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) has been implementing innovative, community-driven solutions to development challenges for more than 50 years. It focuses on a small number of specific development problems by forming intellectual and financial partnerships with organizations sharing its objectives.