How to Write a Resolution Edition 1
What is a Resolution? The goal of MUN: to pass a resolution A plan of action to solve the problem that the committee is addressing Realistic, effective, peaceful Resolutions are different from essays in that they are a lot more to-the-point and must follow a strict format. Remind students that they will be working on writing this resolution during unmoderated caucus.
The Components of a MUN Resolution Preambulatory Clauses Demonstrate the problem that is being addressed E.g.: Operative Clauses Solve the problem being described in the corresponding preambulatory clause Good resolutions match up the preambs to the operatives, so that preamb #1 is solved by operative #1, and so on.
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Sponsors and Signatories Sponsors: 3-4 per resolution, indicates the chief authors of the resolution Must vote for resolution Signatories: minimum of 50%+1 of the committee, indicates the countries that would like to see this resolution debates Not obliged to vote for resolution Signatories don’t even have to agree with the resolution (in part or in whole) - it is common practice to put your name down as a signatory to debate the points of a resolution
Tips Stick to your country’s position when evaluating and drafting a resolution E.g. is China going to draft and/or vote for a resolution calling for a resolutely free press? Probably not Bear in mind the real-life alliances (blocs) when voting Make realistic compromises, negotiate, and work together with your allies For bullet point #2, it is important for the instructor to note that this extends to both alliances (where nations align in pursuit of a mutually-beneficial interest) and soft power coercion scenarios (where smaller nations vote in line with larger nations to preserve economic ties, military protection, etc.)