Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Irish LEADER Support Unit An tAonad Tacaíochta LEADER in Éirinn Organising Capacity Building
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Content Broad Definition of Capacity Building Levels of Capacity Building Institutional capacity Building LEADER and Capacity Building Factors to Remenber
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 What Is Meant By Capacity Building? Capacity Building is a term used to describe activities aimed at increasing peoples ability to participate in and to manage local development. We look at this topic under two headings –Institutional Capacity Building –Personal Capacity Building
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Levels of Capacity Building –Formal Rural Development Education Training Practicioners –Organisational Development Training Role Specific Training Programme Specific Training Governance Training Policy and Proceedure Development Team Building, Planning and Learning –Sectoral Mobilisation (Tourism, ICT, etc.. ) –Project Specific Training (Walking Trails, etc..) –General Rural Development Awareness Raising Formal EducationAwareness Raising
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Levels of Capacity Building Professional Development Awareness Raising/Information provision Skills Acquisition and Effectiveness Training Changing Attiudes/Mobilisation Formal Courses Informal Courses Workshops Seminars Public Conference Publications
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Institutional Capacity Building Managing Authority Payment Agency National Network Unit National Agencies with a rural Development Remit Local Agencies with a rural Development Remit Local Action Group StaffBoard Project Promoters IndividualsGroups Training the Trainers
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Role of National Organisations Managing Authority –Training the trainer –Professional Development with Universities and Professional Bodies –Ensure LAGs are given the information and training to be complient. National Network Unit –General Organisational Development Training –Developing Best Practice among LAGs –Promoting LEADER in the Broader National context
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Measures Supported by LAGS Capacity Building Measures –Training –Analysis and Development –Animation and capacity building Project Measures –Innovative rural enterprises, craft enterprises and local services/facilities –Exploitation of agriculture, forestry and fisheries products –Enhancement of natural/built/social/cultural environment – Environmentally friendly initiatives
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Capacity Building And Animation LEADER can fund support, advisory and guidance service to local community with particular emphasis on young people and women Facilitation of co-ordination through contacts with/between agencies, other programmes and project promoters Facilitation of local development process through promotion campaigns, public meetings, workshops
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Capacity Building And Animation All promotion costs, including costs associated with public meetings, seminars, workshops etc should also be funded from Animation &Capacity Building. Most groups fund the costs associated with their Project/Development Officers from this measure Animation costs are capped at 12% of a Groups budget
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Training The training measure includes support for –Provision of relevant training generally –Provision of general/specialised training courses in fixed/mobile facilities and in-house development of appropriate training facilities –Provision of flexible learning opportunities in new technology, for women and young people in particular.
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Internal Training (Administration) The Group must provide appropriate training for its Board and staff in the process of rural development generally and the operation of a LEADER group in particular.
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Important factors to Consider There Should Be Clear objectives for any training. Define and Know your target audience. Should be in partnership with other training organisations. There should be planned progression –Advanced training –Organisational evaluation/quality-mark –Project Start-up Grants –Accreditation
Implementation of LEADER type Rural Development Measures July'06 Important factors to Consider Trainers should be recruited on the basis of –Their knowledge of the technical area in question –Their ability to communicate –Their awareness of the context A medium term local and national training programme should be developed and published