The Life Cycle of a Butterfly Amber Ray
Content Area: Science Grade Level: 2nd Grade Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to give the students an understanding of the life cycle of a butterfly. Learning Objective: Given the life cycle of a butterfly, the students will be able to accurately put the steps together with 100% accuracy. Content Standard: GLE 0207.4.1 Compare the life cycles of various organisms. 0207.4.1 Compare and contrast the life cycles of different organisms such as a chicken, butterfly, meal worm, frog, or human. Accomplishments: Develop an understanding of the life cycle of a butterfly.
Steps of the Life Cycle The Egg- This is the first step in the cycle. It all starts with a small egg. The Larva- This is the second step in the life cycle. The larva is also called the caterpillar. The Pupa- This is the third stage of the life cycle. This is were it rests in its cocoon. It is also called the Chrysalis. The Adult Stage- This is the last stage of the life cycle. This is finally where it turns into a butterfly.
Video on Life Cycle Now that you have learned about the 4 stages of the butterfly, watch this video to see it all happen!
What step of the Butterfly’s Life Cycle is also known as the Cocoon(Chrysalis)? The Egg The Pupa The Larva The Adult Stage
Try Again! Go back and look at the websites and the video to see what stage is also called the Cocoon or the Chrysalis!
Great Job!! The Pupa stage of the life cycle is also known as the cocoon or the Chrysalis!!
What Stage is the Butterfly Released? The Pupa Stage The Larva Stage The Egg Stage The Adult Stage
The Adult Stage is the stage where the Butterfly is released! That is Correct!! The Adult Stage is the stage where the Butterfly is released!
What are the four stages of the life cycle in order? The Larva, The Pupa, The Adult Stage, and The Egg. The Egg, The Larva, The Pupa, and The Adult Stage. The Pupa, The Adult Stage, The Larva, and The Egg. The Adult Stage, The Egg, The Adult Stage, and The Larva.
That is not correct… Please try again!
That is Correct! The Egg, The Larva, The Pupa, and The Adult Stage is the correct order!
You have learned the life cycle of a butterfly You have learned the life cycle of a butterfly! Now you know all of the stages and how a butterfly is made!