Living Environments HPR 452 Chapter 10
We often limit the concept of “environment” to the outdoors “Environment” is basically anywhere activities occur – “All aspects of the world around us” A primary location of much of an individual’s leisure is in the home Older individuals spend most of their time in their home – 80% of a typical day – 19 hrs
Extending beyond the home is central to healthy aging Environmental psychology studies individuals’ interaction and relationship with their environment Environmental gerontology studies this in later years Ambient environment – sound, temperature, illumination, odor (sensory factors) which influence well-being
How do these factors affect you? Blue is restful Red stimulates adrenaline Green is restful and calming Orange is similar to red Yellow makes rooms appear larger and used for important messages Noise and crowds impact behavior
Environment is very important in LTC facilities “Autonomy – Security” concept Autonomy – perceived freedom and independent action Security – physical safety and psychological peace of mind Both are important for happiness in later years Older individuals have fear of crime, falling, accidents, etc so modifications must be made
Environments with high security levels have lower level of privacy, independence, and choice Person-Environment Fit Model – Demands and Characteristics of the environment are congruent with the needs, preferences, and ability of the individual
The importance of maintaining one’s home is important When demands of an environment and an individual’s competence is out of balance Individuals are stressed or bored The importance of maintaining one’s home is important The sense of “being at home” is very important for older individuals LTC environments should provide a sense of “home”
Also a need for a stimulating environment – Social interaction, activities, challenge Much of this can compensate for losses What do you do to make where you live more “homelike?” (Give you a sense of “ownership) Older individuals need this also
“People Effect” Type of people Number of people Type of interaction which occurs Amount of interaction Norms of behavior
“Thing Effect” Physical – furniture, temperature, wall color (ambient) Non-physical – privacy and territoriality Territoriality – we need space we can call our own (privacy and safety)