Ashley, Claire, Jose, Rico, Raul Spring fest Ashley, Claire, Jose, Rico, Raul
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Who-Ashley What-Personal Selling When-Every Friday bring lunch and pep rallies for spring sports. Where- At the cafeteria, and where every the pep rally is. Why-To get people aware of Spring Fest. How-We would take our time out of our lunch and go around telling people about Spring Fest, and we will also go to the pep really and talk about Spring Fest.
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Who-Claire What-Advertising When-We will be on Oiler Vision every Friday and put posters up 2 weeks before Spring Fest. Where- The school and Oiler Vision Why-To get people to come to Spring Fest How-We will go home and make posters then put them around the school, and then we will ask Oiler Vision if they can say something about Spring Fest.
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Who-Jose What-Direct Marketing When-We would post something twice a week 2 weeks before the Spring Fest. Where-On social media Why-Because high school students are always using social media and that is the best way to get students to now about Spring Fest. How-We would make an accounts on all of the social media sites and post twice a week.
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Who-Raul What-Sales Promotion When-All week before Spring Fest. Where-In the cafeteria Why-Because that is where all the students eat lunch and we can sell tickets there. How-We will have discounts on tickets so that more people will but tickets, and that more people will come to the Spring Fest.
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Who-Rico What-Public Relations When-Whenever one of the spring sport has a game. Where-At the games Why-Because a lot of students go to games on there free time. How- We will ask that they say something about Spring Fest at the begging of the game, and at the end of the game.