The Beginning of It All Genesis 1
Day 1: Illumine and Order God calls light into existence; He separates light from dark, calling the light “day” and the dark “night”
Day 1: Illumine and Order God calls light into existence; He separates light from dark, calling the light “day” and the dark “night” Day 2: Order God separates the waters above from the waters below; He calls the expanse in between them “heaven” (notice, He does not call anything good on this day)
Day 1: Illumine and Order God calls light into existence; He separates light from dark, calling the light “day” and the dark “night” Day 2: Order God separates the waters above from the waters below; He calls the expanse in between them “heaven” (notice, He does not call anything good on this day) Day 3: Order God gathers the waters into one place and the dry land appears from beneath; dry land is called “earth” and the waters are called “seas”; God also brings vegetation onto the earth bearing seed “after their kind” (plants and fruit trees)
Day 1: Illumine and Order God calls light into existence; He separates light from dark, calling the light “day” and the dark “night” Day 2: Order God separates the waters above from the waters below; He calls the expanse in between them “heaven” (notice, He does not call anything good on this day) Day 3: Order God gathers the waters into one place and the dry land appears from beneath; dry land is called “earth” and the waters are called “seas”; God also brings vegetation onto the earth bearing seed “after their kind” (plants and fruit trees) Day 4: Illumine, Order and Fill God creates the luminaries (light-bearers): sun, moon and stars to fill the heavens and for the purpose of separating day from night, for signs and seasons and days and years
Day 1: Illumine and Order God calls light into existence; He separates light from dark, calling the light “day” and the dark “night” Day 2: Order God separates the waters above from the waters below; He calls the expanse in between them “heaven” (notice, He does not call anything good on this day) Day 3: Order God gathers the waters into one place and the dry land appears from beneath; dry land is called “earth” and the waters are called “seas”; God also brings vegetation onto the earth bearing seed “after their kind” (plants and fruit trees) Day 4: Illumine, Order and Fill God creates the luminaries (light-bearers): sun, moon and stars to fill the heavens and for the purpose of separating day from night, for signs and seasons and days and years Day 5: Fill God creates the creatures of the sea and the birds of the air; God blesses them and tells them to “Be fruitful and multiply” and fill their respective habitats
Day 1: Illumine and Order God calls light into existence; He separates light from dark, calling the light “day” and the dark “night” Day 2: Order God separates the waters above from the waters below; He calls the expanse in between them “heaven” (notice, He does not call anything good on this day) Day 3: Order God gathers the waters into one place and the dry land appears from beneath; dry land is called “earth” and the waters are called “seas”; God also brings vegetation onto the earth bearing seed “after their kind” (plants and fruit trees) Day 4: Illumine, Order and Fill God creates the luminaries (light-bearers): sun, moon and stars to fill the heavens and for the purpose of separating day from night, for signs and seasons and days and years Day 5: Fill God creates the creatures of the sea and the birds of the air; God blesses them and tells them to “Be fruitful and multiply” and fill their respective habitats Day 6: Fill God creates the land animals “after their kind”; God creates human beings “in His image and according to His likeness”; it’s a categorically different creation here and one that is differentiated because now we are after “His kind”