Eight Stages of Development Erik Erikson Eight Stages of Development
Birth - 2 years Trust Mistrust Trust: infant is totally dependent on others - learns to trust others Mistrust Mistrust: learns to distrust them
Trust v. Mistrust Associated with Freud’s Oral Stage Trust in others and themselves being trustworthy Caretakers must comfort in times of stress in order to create a basis of trust CRITICAL PERIOD – if unable to develop a sense of trust at this point then may be difficult to develop later
2 – 3 years Autonomy Shame child tries to become a separate individual if not allowed, feels shame
Autonomy v. Shame Associated with Freud’s Anal Stage Discovery of self-independence & self-recognition “Terrible 2’s” – necessary part of development If not learned that a child can say no then shame and doubt of self will occur Give children choices in basic decisions
3 – 5 years Initiative Guilt child tries to take control of environment Guilt if not allowed, child feels guilty for having failed
Initiative v. Guilt Associated with Freud’s Phallic Stage Discovery of independent behavior Want to dress themselves and do things themselves Parents must allow children to do things by themselves or guilt may occur
6 – 12 years Industry Inferiority child wants to do more and better things - to be industrious Inferiority if child does not do better, child feels inferior
Industry v Inferiority Develop sense of industry (working hard and persistently on valuable tasks) Not giving up and succeeding, etc. is a good thing But, if they fail from the beginning then inferiority sets in Industry is learning how to persist in the face of challenge
13 – 18 years Identity Identity Confusion adolescent searches for role or identity in life Identity Confusion feels confusion if no role is found
Identity v Identity Confusion In adolescence a “true” identity is developed separate from self and parents A way of separation from parents is rebelling Another way is over-identifying with peers Both are normal with clothes, music, etc
18 – 30 years Intimacy Isolation young adult shares special or intimate feelings with one special person Isolation without the sharing, loneliness and isolation prevails
Intimacy v Isolation Beginning adult stage at about 20 years old Not specifically physical intimacy but psychological intimacy
Middle Adulthood Generativity Stagnation adult feels need to generate or contribute something important to the world Stagnation if nothing important is contributed, the adult deteriorates or stagnates
Generativity v Stagnation A willingness to care for others, i.e. children It can be in any aspect of life
Late Adulthood Ego Integrity Ego Despair person looks to past and feels a sense of accomplishment or integrity Ego Despair person looks back and feels no sense of accomplishment and feels empty and despairing
Ego Integrity v Ego Despair Looking back on your life and accept what you have done as a good thing Accept your own mortality If unhappy with life then despair sets in