Verbos Como Gustar Spanish III
GUSTAR #1 Must use INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS (to whom) Me, te, le, nos, os, les ___ is pleasing to (person). WHAT is being liked, not WHO is liking it Prepositional Phrase (A ella, A nosotros, A ellos…)
GUSTAR #2 What is being liked can go BEFORE or AFTER the verb Me gusta la pizza. OR La pizza me gusta. Me = indirect object pronoun la pizza = subject gusta = verb
OTROS VERBOS COMO GUSTAR #1 GUSTAR: to like, to be pleasing Me gustan las papas fritas./I like French fries. ENCANTAR: to love (like in a strong way), to delight Les encantan los conciertos./They love (the) concerts. DOLER (o-ue): to hurt, ache Te duelen las rodillas./Your knees hurt/ache.
OTROS VERBOS COMO GUSTAR #2 TOCAR: to be one’s turn Te toca sacar la basura./It’s your turn to take out the trash. PARECER: to seem, to appear to be La película nos parece corta./The movie seems short to us. FALTAR: to be lacking, to need Me faltan cinco dólares./I lack(need) $5.
OTROS VERBOS COMO GUSTAR #3 QUEDAR: to remain, to have (something) left, to be left Le queda una semana de vacación./He has one week of vacation left. ABURRIR: to bore A los estudiantes, les aburre la clase de ciencias./The science class bores them (the students). DISGUSTAR: to dislike something Me disgusta la comida china./I don’t like Chinese food.
OTROS VERBOS COMO GUSTAR #4 IMPORTAR: to be important to, to matter Me importan las buenas notas./Getting good grades is important to me. INTERESAR: to be interesting to, to interest No les interesan los libros de Stephen King./Stephen King books aren’t interesting to them. OR They’re not interested in Stephen King books. MOLESTAR: to be a bother, to bother Me molesta mi hermana menor./My little sister bothers me.
OTROS VERBOS COMO GUSTAR #5 FASCINAR: to fascinate Nos fascinan los caballos./Horses fascinate us. OR We are fascinated by horses. QUEDAR (bien, mal, grande, etc.): to look (good, bad, big, etc.) on. Usually clothing. Esa camisa te queda grande. / That shirt looks big on you. CAER (bien/mal): to have a good/bad impression of someone Julia me cae muy bien./I really like Julia. OR I have a good impression of Julia.
OTROS VERBOS COMO GUSTAR #6 PREOCUPAR: to concern, to worry A mis padres, les preocupan mis notas en la clase de historia./My grades in history class worries them/my parents. ENOJAR: to irritate Me enojan las abejas./Bees irritate me.