Developing and Winning a Center Grant Michael Silevitch, Robert D. Black Distinguished Professor of Engineering Akram Alshawabkeh, George A. Snell Professor of Engineering Office of Research Development Karen Drew, Director Logan Schmidt, Sr. Research Development Officer Jenna Horan, Research Development Administrator
Our Presenters: Michael Silevitch Robert D. Black Professor, Distinguished Professor of Engineering Director, Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT) - DHS Center of Excellence Director, Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (Gordon-CenSSIS) - NSF ERC Former Research Translation Leader, Puerto Rico Testsite to Explore Contamination Threats (PROTECT) program - NIEHS Superfund Research Center P42 Founding Director, Gordon Engineering Leadership Program – Gordon Foundation Former Director, Center for Electromagnetics Research - NSF Industry-University Center
Our Presenters: Akram Alshawabkeh George A. Snell Professor of Engineering Associate Dean for Research for the College of Engineering Director, Puerto Rico Testsite to Explore Contamination Threats (PROTECT) program - NIEHS Superfund Research Center NIH P42 Director, Center for Research on Early Childhood Exposure and Development in Puerto Rico (CRECE) – NIEHS/EPA Children’s Environmental Health Center P50 Director, Research Opportunities for Undergraduates: Training in Environmental Health Sciences (ROUTES) Scholars Program - NIH R25 Director, Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes in Puerto Rico (ECHO-PRO) – NIH UG3/UH3
Developing and Winning a Center Grant Workshop Overview Discussion with Professors Silevitch & Alshawabkeh Exploring Upcoming Center Grant Opportunities Preparing for a Center Grant
Large Center Grant Opportunities NSF Science and Technology Center (STC) NSF Industry-University: IUCRC NSF RAISE/Convergence NSF Centers for Chemical Innovation NSF Materials Science: MRSEC NSF Expeditions in Computing NSF Convergence Accelerators NIH Centers of Excellence in Genomic Research (CEGS, RM1) NIH Bioengineering Research Partnerships NSF PIRE NIH NIBIB Quantum Program U01 NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams DOE Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) DOE Bioenergy Research Center Air Force Centers of Excellence ARL Collaborative Technology & Research Alliances DHS University Centers of Excellence NOAA Cooperative Institutes DOD MURI
Available at northeastern Available at
Preparing for a Center Grant Resources Available for Aspirant Teams Assessing readiness and team development TIER 3 Campus-wide Research Initiatives Program Convening brainstorming & team building sessions University resource identification & engagement Environmental scan & competitive intelligence Project timelines and production plans Business plan development TIER 2 Federally Designated Centers / Major Programs Initiative Identifying additional building blocks and preliminary grants
Tier 2: Federally Designated Centers & Major Proposals Supports interdisciplinary faculty groups pursuing large, multi-disciplinary Federal funding opportunities Up to $75,000 Rolling deadline Examples of previous items funded under TIER 2 awards: proposal preparation or grant-writer hire, graphic design, red team reviews, travel for meetings with collaborators or site review visits, etc. Note that COE has some of these resources in-house.
Center Grant Building Blocks Conference grants (NSF & NIH R13) NSF Research Coordination Networks NSF Convergence Prospectus NIH P20 Exploratory Grants TIER 2 NSF RAISE Collaboration & impact portfolio e.g. Joint awards, publications, presentations, metrics of citable collaboration TIER 1 Pilot/seed grants Coordinated RFI submissions Leadership & Team Research Productivity Translation / Outreach Infrastructure Resources that enable research and training Instrumentation: NSF MRI, NIH S10, DOD DURIP Training grants: NSF NRT, IGE NIH T32s & 34s NIH R24 Resource Grants TIER 3 Engaged stakeholders NSF I/UCRC Planning Grants Clinical & Translational Science (CTSI) NIH Bioengineering Research Partnerships NSF I-Corps NSF GOALI or INTERN
Upcoming Workshops Establishing a Team and Building Credibility for Center Grants Wednesday, October 3: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Succeeding with Graduate Training Grants Friday, November 2: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Writing NIH Specific Aims Thursday, November 15: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm See the full workshop schedule and RSVP at:
Additional Resources Research Development FOAs and Limited Submissions Large Center Grant Opportunities