I. EARTH’S INTERIOR Week 1 Notes Ch. 1, Section 1
A. Exploring Inside Earth a. Earth’s surface is __CONSTANTLY__ changing. b. __GEOLOGISTS__ use 2 main types of __EVIDENCE__ to learn about Earth’s interior: __DIRECT__ evidence from rock samples and indirect __EVIDENCE__ from seismic waves. What is a geologist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf8bryVU5b (1:51)
B. Evidence From Rock Samples a. Geologist can __DRILL__ 12 kilometers into the Earth. Earth can sometimes blast rock up to the surface from __100__ kilometers. C. Evidence From Seismic Wabes a. When a __EARTHQUAKE__ occurs they produce __SEISMIC WAVES__ b. The __SPEED__ of seismic waves and the __PATHS__ they take reveal the __STRUCTURE__ of the planet.
II. A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF EARTH a. There are __THREE__ main layers of the Earth: the __CRUST__, the __MANTLE__, and the __CORE__ b. These 3 layers vary in __SIZE__, __COMPOSITION__, __TEMPERATURE__, and __PRESSURE__ A. Temperature a. At the __SURFACE__ the temperature is __COOL__, it evidently gets __WARMER__ the __DEEPER__ you go. b. The __WARM__ temperature is left over from the __CREATION__ of the planet B. Pressure a. __PRESSURE__ results from a __FORCE__ pressing on an area. b. The __DEEPER__ you go the __MORE__ the pressure
III. THE CRUST a. The __CRUST__ is the outer skin of the planet b. The crust is a layer of solid __ROCK__ that consists of both __DRY LAND__ and __OCEAN__ floors c. __OCEANIC__ crust consists mostly of rocks called __BASALT__ d. Basalt is a __DARK__ rock with __FINE__ texture e. __CONTINENTAL__ crust forms the continects, which is made up of __GRANITE__ f. __GRANITE__ is a light color and a __COARSE__ texture
IV. The Mantle a. The Mantle is an area of __HOT__ rock. b. The __MANTLE__ is nearly __3,000__ kilometers thick
A. The Lithosphere a. The __UPPERMOST__ part of the mantle is similar to the __CRUST__ b. The __LITHOSPHERE__ is a rigid __STONE__layer B. The Asthenosphere a. The __ASTHENOSPHERE__ is a __SOFT__ rock layer Lithosphere and Asthenosphere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICIHgyNCDHw (1:17) Layers of the Earth Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9j1xGaxYzY (2:45)
V. THE CORE a. The ___CORE__ is made up of __2__ types of __METALS__: __IRON__ and __NICKLE__ b. The core has 2 parts a __LIQUID__ outer core and a __SOLID__ inner core A. Outer Core and Inner Core a. The __OUTER__ core is __MOLTEN__ metal b. The __INNER__ core is a __DENSE__ ball of __SOLID__ metal B. The Core and Earth’s Magnetic Field a. A __COMPASS__ needle aligns with the lines of force in __EARTH’S__ magnetic field BrainPop: Earth’s Structure (2:48)