Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin. Place any late homework on your desk. Read the following sentences. Then, answer the questions below. The idea that his kind grandmother could fear a man because of his skin left Barry confused and hurt. “That was a powerful moment for me,” he later recalled. “Even within families with the best intentions, race can intrude in ugly ways.” 1.What words or phrases in the sentences might be context clues that help you determine the meaning of “intrude”? 2. What do you think the word “intrude” means?
Intrude: to interfere or cut in.
Intrude To interfere or cut in. Term: Story: Picture Definition: Intrude Story: Picture Definition: To interfere or cut in. Reminding Word:
Obtain: to get something (to come in to possession of something) Ultimate: the final or best Intense: exciting and scary Corrupt: bad; not doing the right thing Destination: a place one is going to Migrant: Someone who goes to one country to live from another country Panting: Breathing very heavily Refugee: Someone who leaves one country for another in order to be safe. Persecute: to treat someone terribly (especially because of religion, race, gender, etc.) 10. Desert: to leave someone and not go back to them 11. Poverty: a state of being poor 12. Harbor: to hold someone for safety 13. Limitation: Something that keeps you from doing what you want to do 14. Resolve: to decide to do something; to determine that you will do something 15. Intervene: To get in the middle of; to come between two things 16. Meager: Lacking in amount or condition. Or, Lacking in quantity or quality. 17. Agonizing: Causing great mental pain. 18. Murky: Dark and gloomy. 19. Vulnerable: Weak and able to be attacked.
Residency: the right to be able to say you officially live in the U.S.. Artifact: an item of historical value. Diversity: the state of having people of different backgrounds and cultures. Intrude: to interfere or cut in.
Agenda Objective: Primary: I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (RI.1.1) I can determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. (RI.1.2) Secondary: I can prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively (SL.1.1). Essential Question: What is the common central idea in the texts? Use evidence from the text(s) to support your response. Warm-Up: Context Clues: Diversity Vocabulary: Diversity Whole Group: Review stations and CHAMPS Stations: Achieve: Achieve 3000 (Who is Barack Obama? , Obama Online) On the Record: Family Ties: Chapter One, Book-Mind-Heart 3. Independent reading (fill out a “book” for books you have finished reading) 4. Teacher-led: Monitoring Station Work, answering questions and concerns; DAR test Closing: Vocabulary Review
Station Groups Pd 5 TL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diego Jazmine Josh Montana Xavier Jatavia Kayla Jayden Jonah C. Adri Mercedes Kefrain Derrick J. Jaden W. Kris F. Duncan Ivan Paige Aiden Autumn X X
Whole Group Discussion: Chapter 3 Book: Who is telling the story? What does the author want you to know? What did you notice about how the author told this story?
Whole Group Discussion: Chapter 3 Mind: What surprised you? What connections did you make? What images were most important to you? What lines created the surprise or connection?
Whole Group Discussion: Chapter 3 Heart: What did you discover about yourself? What matters most to you in this text or in your conversation? What did you take to heart?
Higher Order Thinking Questions (Chapter 1) 1. Does Obama have a right to be “confused and hurt” by his grandmother’s reaction to the man at the bus stop? Use at least two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer.
Closing How are intrude and diversity similar?