How to (really) view advertisements
View the Ad as a whole; consider: Your first impression of the ad Its overall look Its tone and atmosphere The storyline (if one exists); is there a climax and resolution? Possible target audience
Be specific about the audience: Narrow it down Who do you think the ad is specifically targeting? Why do you think this? What techniques are used to reach the intended audience? Is the ad placed properly to reach the intended audience?
Determine the message: What atmosphere does it convey? What people are in the ad? Stereotypes? Body language? Celebrity? Why use this person? Is a story being told? Does the content imply a certain lifestyle?
Examine the language used: What message is conveyed? Key words and phrases? Claims? What techniques are being used? Connotative and denotative messages
How effective is the advertisement in communicating a message? What emotional hooks are used? Will you remember the product or slogan? Social values? What social attitudes are indirectly reflected in the ad?
The visuals: What is the focal point/centre of interest? How are visuals arranged? How does the print component contribute to the ad? Does colour affect the message of the ad? Does the product appear in ad? Where is it? The logo...
Is this an effective ad?