It sounds easy, but almost nothing could be more complicated. Stick figure! It sounds easy, but almost nothing could be more complicated.
Directions: Make sure you read “7 habits … speaker” before tomorrow! 1. Think of the perfect speaker, real or imaginary. Then decide what moment that speaker reached the absolute top of the public-speaking game. 2. Create a PPT that shows your speaker in his or her absolute best speaking moment. First, name and draw. 3. Then include this info, as much as possible: Place, Time, Occasion (why they were speaking), Hands, Foot Movement, Eye Contact, Posture, Hand Gestures, Facial Expressions, Volume, Pace, Pitch, Framing, and Enunciation Make sure you read “7 habits … speaker” before tomorrow!
“D” example The example is a good start but needs... ... to avoid being general. So it needs a time, place, and occasion. ... to talk about exactly what the speaker is doing and what effect it is having. For example, instead of saying "don't slouch," discuss exactly what posture the speaker is choosing to use and how that works perfectly on this audience. "Alina the music star tilts her head back to have good posture for photographs and look carefree as she tells thousands of fans that she will tour all summer."
Rubric: A: details specific place, time, and occasion and lists 15+ very detailed, specific body-language-and-voice characteristics as well as their important effects B: includes place, time, and occasion and lists 10+ body-language-and-voice characteristics as well as some effects C: includes some place, time, and occasion info and lists several informative characteristics D: missing info, but somewhat helpful
Stick Figure Day 2 Apply “7 habits…speakers” to your stick figure by doing this: Add a slide List at least 5 of the habits, and explain how your speaker fits those characteristics perfectly. Be specific!! Save to public “LastName, FirstName” on M (or T by the start of 3rd period) Be ready to present T, justifying your choice for best all-time speaker.
Please save stick figure in public, mathenyr, Stickfigure Welcome! Please save stick figure in public, mathenyr, Stickfigure With extra time, read and complete the HW article, “How to Critique a Speech” (links on class calendar)
Stick Figure Share Give each presenter a compliment as they finish. Meet at the top-left person’s computer.
Group Stick Figure Share Approximately 4-minute presentations Take turns presenting stick figure. Be specific about occasion, audience, effect! Make sure everyone asks questions, gives compliments. Switch Add to the group’s ideas! Contrast occasion, audience, and effect! Applies, compares, evaluates positively. Back to own spots. Fill out judging sheet for person who presents after you.
Stick Figure Share Meet at left partner first. Left partner presents stick figure. Be specific about occasion, audience, effect! Right partner asks questions, gives compliments. Switch Right partner presents stick figure. Add on, contrast occasion, audience, and effect! Left partner applies, compares, evaluates positively. Back to own spots. Fill out judging sheet.
Stick Figure Partner Share Take turns sharing. Compliment. Compare. If you already were in the same group, then present each other’s (so that you present the project to its author.)
Stick Figure Share, Informal Left side Visit others, as many as possible. Right side Stay, present to visitors.
Stick Figure Share, Informal Have fun checking out other presentations! Choose whom to evaluate to finish the judging sheet (turned in tomorrow). WHO MADE THE BEST PROJECT? Top-right of judging sheet: Name of person who created best stick figure Right side of page, in margin: One thing you would do differently, better One suggestion you have for this lesson or compliment about a specific part
Stick Figure Finish (turn in sheet to box tomorrow) Top-right of judging sheet: Name of person who created best stick figure Right side of page, in margin: One thing you would do differently, better One suggestion you have for this lesson or compliment about a specific part
Priorities for W and R: Plan your 3-4-minute Stick Figure presentation Make sure stick figure does this: Helps you process body language powerpoint Includes detailed place, time, occasion Easily meets rubric for “A” Includes how your speaker meets the 7 habits of highly effective speakers Gets saved in public/mathenyr/stickfigure (last name, first name) by 3rd Tuesday Read “How to analyze and critique a speech” and answer the (short) questions