Copyright © The Beyond Intractability Project Beyond Intractability is a Registered Trademark of the University of Colorado PowerPoint Summary of: Capacity Building
Slide 2: Capacity Building Capacity is a partys ability to solve its problems and achieve its objectives. Capacity building includes the development of: Ability to meet human needs Basic infrastructure Institutions Community The economy PowerPoint Summary of: Capacity Building
Slide 3: Political Capacity Is grounded in peoples ability to participate in the political decision-making process It is built by Developing educational systems - Which increase awareness of the political system - Which develop the skills necessary for active political participation Direct exposure to democratic practices of government Collaborative participation in dialogues and decision making Increasing awareness of democratic norms PowerPoint Summary of: Capacity Building
Slide 4: Conflict Resolution (CR) Capacity Is grounded in peoples understanding of dispute management skills and ability to adapt them to their particular context. It can be built by Specifically teaching CR in schools Implementing training programs for CR Building a general CR knowledge into institutions, including their ability to - Anticipate conflict - Address disputes quickly to avoid escalation - Develop CR tools and mechanisms - Quickly de-escalate crisis situations PowerPoint Summary of: Capacity Building
Slide 5: Development Capacity Involves helping local people and institutions to address issues of human survival and welfare It can be built by Strengthening institutions ability to mobilize resources Strengthening the core institutions Supporting academic and scientific communities Instituting governmental policies which foster - Skills transfer - Training - Human resource management - Organizational development - The strengthening of social networks PowerPoint Summary of: Capacity Building