Unit II Progressive Movement
Preview “Competition was natural enough at one time, but do you think you are competing today? Many of you think you are competing. Against whom? Against Rockefeller? About as I would if I had a wheelbarrow and competed with the Santa Fe railroad from here to Kansas City.” – Eugene V. Debs Who do you believe that Debs is addressing in this quotation? What is it like competing with Rockefeller? What political party is Eugene V Debs?
Progressivism The Progressive movement aimed to return the control of the government to the people, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices in American life More popular alternative to Socialist movement Four Goals: 1. Protect Social Welfare 2. Promote Moral Improvement 3. Creating Economic Reform 4. Foster Efficiency
Fighting Corruption Muckrakers – journalists wrote about corrupt side of business and public life Pure Food and Drug Act – Halted sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling Conservation Movement – Americans had exploited national resources President Roosevelt established fifty wildlife sanctuaries and several national parks
Political Reform Recall – enabled voters to remove public officials from elected positions Initiatives – bills originated by the people rather than lawmakers Referendum – Votes on initiatives Direct Primary – enabled voters to choose their own candidates instead of political machines
Progressive Amendments 16th – Federal Income Tax 17th – Direct Election of Senators 18th – Prohibition of Alcohol 19th – Woman’s Suffrage
Response This cartoon shows Carry Nation inside a saloon she has attacked. Do you think the cartoonist had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of this prohibitionist. Explain.