Predicted probability of reporting high speaking up frequency (≥the population median) relative to encouraging environment (EES, increasing values with range 1–7) and resignation levels (RES, decreasing values with range 1–7) by professional group, keeping all other variables at the mean. Predicted probability of reporting high speaking up frequency (≥the population median) relative to encouraging environment (EES, increasing values with range 1–7) and resignation levels (RES, decreasing values with range 1–7) by professional group, keeping all other variables at the mean. The dashed red line indicates the theoretical cut-off at p=0.5. EES, encouraging environment for speaking up scale; RES, resignation scale. David Schwappach, and Aline Richard BMJ Qual Saf doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2017-007388 Copyright © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and the Health Foundation. All rights reserved.