Chapter 11: The Road to Civil War Mr. Snyder 11th Grade U.S. History
An Uneasy Balance between North and South Ch. 11 Section 1: An Uneasy Balance between North and South
Discussion Question In a democratic system, should groups who have the minority opinion always give in to the majority opinion?
Slavery in territories ________________________ wanted all lands won from Mexico after the Mexican War in ______________ to never allow ____________________ The ____________ ____________ ____________wanted to keep slavery out of the western territories- Free Soil Party stood for: “free _________, free ___________, and free ____________” _______________________, work for __________________________, and freedom of ____________________
The Compromise of 1850 The compromise included: _______________ admitted as a _________state A stricter __________________ Slave Law would be enacted Slave ____________ would be ended in Washington, D.C. _______________ _____________would decide slavery issue in ____________ and _____________ _____________territories
Ch. 11 Section 2: Tensions Reach Boiling Point
The new Fugitive Slave Act Compromise of ______________ temporarily solved a crisis the new Fugitive Slave Act angered ________________________even more than before private citizens were now required by law to assist with the _____________ of runaway slaves Some northern states passed personal ______________ laws which _____________________ (ignored) the Fugitive Slave Act Use of the ___________________________ Railroad and antislavery efforts in the North increased after 1850
Uncle Tom’s Cabin In 1852, Harriet ____________________ ____________ published a powerful attack against __________________ her novel, Uncle Tom’s _______ gave a face to slavery for those in the North who had not witnessed it inspired compassion in the North and angered people in the South novel was important because average Americans in North read it, and felt ______________ for ____________ huge weapon for abolitionists to use
The Nebraska Territory poses a problem In 1854, the people in the Nebraska Territory applied for statehood In 1854, Sen. _____________ _______________ introduced bill to setup a govt. in the Nebraska Territory area would be organized under the principle of ______________ _____________________ Congress divided the region into two diff. territories, ___________ and __________________
The Missouri Compromise is undone Congress passed the ___________-______________ Act in 1854 and decided that: Kansas and Nebraska territories would decide slavery issue by _______________ __________________ Slavery now ______________________ in areas that had been free for over 30 years the Missouri ______________________ and the “forever free” boundary was officially _______________ Led to increased violence across the country over slavery for next six years
“Bleeding Kansas” Farmers flocked to the new Kansas and Nebraska territories seeking to gain _________________ of the government settlers were both _________________ and ________________ before they became states two different govts. were petitioning for _____________________ one ____________________ and one ______________________________
“Bleeding Kansas” After antislavery town of Lawrence was attacked by ______________________ settlers, abolitionist ___________ _____________carried out midnight execution of five proslavery settlers stories of the violence reached the East as both sides in Kansas armed for battle in what was called “____________ __________________” Proved that popular sovereignty was not good way to deal with slavery in the _______________________
Violence in the Senate By 1856, the issue of slavery had become so tense and serious that violence spread to the _______________________ during a debate about the Kansas-Nebraska Act, South Carolinian Sen. Brooks beat Mass. Sen. Sumner unconscious with a cane Incident in the Senate is an example of the huge divide between the North and South that grew wider and wider every year Upcoming presidential election’s goal was to hopefully ____________ the country, but would fail to do so
Ch. 11 Section 3: On the Brink of War
Sectional division worsens In 1854, the new ________________________ Party was formed with a strong opposition to slavery Republicans grew out of old ________ _________made up of ___________________manufacturers and business owners grew rapidly in the North and was ready to challenge for political power by 1856 The Presidential Election of 1856 was won by Pennsylvania Democrat _______________ ________________who promised that he would solve the slavery issue __________________ election only proved to _____________ the nation even more
The Dred Scott Decision In 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Missouri slave _______________ ____________who had _________ for his freedom Scott based his case on fact that his master sent him to Illinois and Wisc. territory between 1834 and ‘38 which were free and ______________ was outlawed by the _____________________ __________________________________ Court ruled against Scott and said that slaves were ______________________ and could not sue in courts Also, the Court said Missouri Compromise was ____________________ because it was illegal for Congress to deprive an owner of _________________ without due _____________________ of the law
Reaction to The Dred Scott Decision Southerners ____________________ over the decision Northerners and _____________________ were extremely upset accused Pres. Buchanan of being a ___________________ A doughface was a ________________________ who sympathized with the South because he didn’t intervene despite being from PA Buchanan’s inactions as president divided the nation more than any other president before the Civil War Congress was now told by the Court that it couldn’t _________ slavery ______________________
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates Debate over slavery in the territories became the popular topic during the 1858 election for U.S. Senate in Illinois Stephen Douglas debated _________ ___________________ During the debates, each presented his position on slavery Douglas continued to support popular ________________________ and the Kansas-Nebraska Act as a means to solve the issue Lincoln strongly opposed Douglas’ views and attacked popular sovereignty as __________________ condemned slavery as morally wrong, but was not calling for_____________________________ Douglas would ________ election for Senate that year, but the debates put Lincoln on the national map as a Republican leader
John Brown’s Raid 10/1859 ____________________ John Brown and 21 other men, including his two sons led an armed raid to capture the military arsenal at ________________ ____________________, VA The raid was meant to lead to an __________ ___________revolt but was foiled by the U.S. Army Brown was ___________________ and hanged for his crimes _____________ abolitionists saw him as a _____________ for the cause, but _____________________ Douglass refused to join him on raid Slave owners urged the fed. govt. to do more to protect them from ________________ like Brown After Brown’s attack, it was only a matter of time till the nation was plunged into full-scale ___________