Family/Individual Health Adolescence Family/Individual Health
Objectives Describe the 4 types of changes that occur during puberty and adolescence Summarize the developmental task during adolescence
Puberty- Period of time when males and females become physically able to reproduce Occurs as a result of the release of hormones Testosterone and Estrogen are responsible for physical, emotional, and social changes that occur
Physically Development of sex characteristics Primary Secondary Directly related to the production of reproduction cells Sperm and ovum Secondary Body hair Breasts, muscles, deepening voice, broadening of chest
Concerns Physically Change is size and shape Voice Concern for those that compare themselves to others Feet and hands grow fast and first Voice “Crack” Switch from high to low
Mental Changes Brain reaches adult size and weight Memory increases See more than 1 solution to problems Ability to think logically increases Mature Understand other’s point of view New interests, hobbies, and goals
Emotional Spurts of energy and strong feelings Roller coaster ride Friends and family are important Difficulty communicating
Social Friendships and peer acceptance very important Peers challenge what you stand for and believe in Feel more deeply and consider others’ needs
“Normal” Developmental Tasks Mature relationships with people of same age Masculine and feminine social roles Accepting one’s physique Emotional independence from parents Prepare for life events Set personal standards Develop social intelligence Cope with success/failure Problem solving skills
Personal Identity Facts that you believe make you unique Need to establish and accept Can I handle responsibilities on my own w/ being reminded? Can I make my own decisions and accept the consequences? Am I thinking about after high school? Do I know I need to work for what I want?
Sexual Activity In movies, tv, advertisements, every where Curiosity want to be adult Pressure 1 of the biggest decisions teens face
Abstinence Conscious decision to avoid harmful behavior such as sex Only way to 100% prevent pregnancy and disease
Consequences of Sexual Activity Pregnancy STD HIV/AIDs Loss of self respect Negative social relationships Family disapproval