The big, bad world of in-text citations. Says Who? The big, bad world of in-text citations.
Why Cite Your Sources? You demonstrate how well-informed you are, which gives your thesis authority and credibility. No one can accuse you of plagiarism. Per Wake County: NOT citing sources = failing grade.
Websites vs. Books If you are citing from a book, use Author’s Last Name and Page # Ex) (Ohia 4) If you are citing from an internet source, use Author Last Name or Organization Name and Year of Publication Ex) (Ohia 2016)
Types of quotes Direct quote within a sentence/paragraph: Introduction to quote, “Quote goes here,” (Harrington 16). *Less than 3 sentences
Types of quotes Paraphrase The information from your source put into your own words (Harrington16).
Types of quotes Block Quote: *3+ sentences Your own words. Your own words. Your own words. Your own words. Your own words. Your own words introducing the quote. -----> QUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTE -----> QUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTEQUOTE. (Ohia 4) Explain how the quote relates in your own words. Elaborate in your own words. Keep writing things in your own words.
Block Quote Example By comparing the time of a collision with the phone records, the researchers assessed the dangers of driving while phoning. The results are unsettling: We found that using a cellular telephone was associated with a risk of having a motor vehicle collision that was about four times as high as that among the same drivers when they were not using their cellular telephones. This relative risk is similar to the hazard associated with driving with a blood alcohol level at the legal limit. (Smith 456)
Punctuation Rules In general, the period is placed after the parentheses. For example, this argument essay might be the greatest assignment ever created (Peckham 2). However, after block quotes, the period goes before the parentheses.
The Foundation: Citing a Book For a book with one author: The National Traumatic Stress Network proposes creating a new Institute of Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence within the National Institute of Health (NIH) to focus and coordinate research on the causes, consequences, treatment and prevention of child abuse (Almond 73). For two or three authors: (Johnson and Smith 13) or (Brown, Smith, and Williams 341). For sources with more than three authors: (Cordero et al. 45).
Sources Without Authors The last form of abuse is called exploitation. This means forcing a child to do something illegal (“Child Maltreatment”). Then, in your works Cited do this: “Child Maltreatment – Psychological Abuse.” Gale Group. 2010. Health and Wellness. Gale Group. 12 April 2010. <>.
How To Cite Your Sources Want to avoid sounding repetitive? There are a variety of ways to cite your source.
Example with the author’s name in the preceding sentence Using police records, John M. Violanti of the Rochester Institute of Technology investigated the relation between traffic fatalities in Oklahoma and the use or presence of a cell phone. He found a nine fold increase in the risk of fatality if a phone was being used and a doubled risk simply when a phone was present in a vehicle (522-23).
A source citing another source Even a spokesperson for Verizon Wireless has said that statewide bans are preferable to a “crazy patchwork quilt of ordinances” (qtd. in Haughney A8).
Example paragraph—page 5 As of December 2000, twenty countries were restricting use of cell phones in moving vehicles (Sundeen 8). In the United States, it is highly unlikely that legislation could be passed on the national level, since traffic safety is considered a state and local issue. To date, only a few counties and towns have passed traffic laws restricting cell phone use. For example, in Suffolk County, New York, it is illegal for drivers to use a handheld phone for anything but an emergency call while on the road (Haughney A8). The first town to restrict use of handheld phones was Brooklyn, Ohio (Layton C9). Brooklyn, the first community in the country to pass a seat belt law, has once again shown its concern for traffic safety.