October 28, 2015 Bell Ringer: Write today’s date and answer this question: What is your favorite day of the week? Why?


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Presentation transcript:

October 28, 2015 Bell Ringer: Write today’s date and answer this question: What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

Explode the moment: Write as if it is happening in slow motion Bell Ringer Revise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxdrOWUCu48 Explode the moment: Write as if it is happening in slow motion Rewrite your answer—exploding the moment!

Today’s Objectives You will write the final draft of your essay in order to demonstrate mastery of persuasive essay writing You will view a video interpretation of “TTH” and write a compare/contrast paragraph about the story, your plot images, and the video so that you can develop ideas for creating your own script

Color Code=underline Hook=pink Thesis=yellow Topic and concluding sentences=blue Logos example=green Pathos example=purple Concession & Rebuttal=orange Call to Action=red Circle your transitions

Compare & Contrast Fill out the chart as we view the video Comparison shows similarities between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations. Contrast points out the differences between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations. You will have 7 minutes to fill it out after the video in order to help you write your compare/contrast paragraph

Compare and Contrast Paragraph 10 points 5 points 0 points Paragraph uses either block or point-by-point method correctly Writer tried to use either block or point-by-point method correctly but was missing key pieces Writer did not use either block or point-by-point method Paragraph has at least three similarities and three differences Paragraph has 1-2 similarities and/or 1-2 differences Paragraph has no similarities and/or differences evident Paragraph includes details from the text Paragraph includes few details from the text Paragraph includes no details from the text Paragraph includes details from the visual interpretation Paragraph includes few details from the visual interpretation Paragraph includes no details from the visual interpretation Paragraph includes at least three higher level vocabulary words Paragraph includes 1-2 higher level vocabulary words Paragraph does not include higher level vocabulary words Paragraph uses at least two C/C transition words or phrases Paragraph uses one C/C transition word or phrases Paragraph does not use any C/C transition word or phrases Paragraph correctly cites sources of information (title and author) Paragraph is missing either title or author information Paragraph does not correctly cites sources of information All grammar is correct 1-2 grammar errors 3+ grammar errors All spelling is correct 1-2 spelling errors 3+ spelling errors (+10 points for including an extra similarity or difference!) Total Score______________

Point-by-Point or Block? Point-by-Point: presents one point of comparison at a time, comparing and contrasting both subjects on the basis of that point before moving on to the next point Block: presents all of your assertions and supporting details about one subject at the beginning of the essay and is followed by all of your assertions and supporting details about the second subject

Compare and Contrast Paragraph Comparison shows similarities between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations. Contrast points out the differences between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations. * You may write it in either block or point-by-point method (choose your preference) In a compare and contrast paragraph, you write about the similarities and differences between two or more people, places, things, or ideas. The following words can help you to write a good compare and contrast paragraph: Helper Words: Similarities Differences while is similar to the other hand unlike both however also but too in contrast as well differs from