Proposal on improvement of the capacity building programme of The association of village municipalities of the Kyrgyz Republic
Stage of Development Developing Performing Association conducts sporadic seminars to local government based on donor funding The capacity building reflects the needs of local government but is also oriented at donor funding (main financial source of capacity building). Targeted at all local governments. The association plays a role in the design and development of capacity building programs Trainings need assessment is planned in advance and for some activities it is done ad hoc. Evaluation sheet after training and after one year on impact of training on performance Long term comprehensive plan (5 years) developed based on feedback and evaluations. Approved by Council.
Improvement Plan (1) Where to arrive: Excellent Regular capacity building Self-financing and cost sharing (less donor dependency) LGA recognized and playing leading coordinating role with government and other stakeholders
Improvement Plan (2) Self-financing and cost-sharing Revise legal framework for fiscal decentralization (own revenues and central government allocation; own budget distribution) so that village and township municipalities can pay a membership fee and pay for capacity buildingRevise legal framework for fiscal decentralization (own revenues and central government allocation; own budget distribution) so that village and township municipalities can pay a membership fee and pay for capacity building Central Government to establish a capacity building fund (association member of fund board)Central Government to establish a capacity building fund (association member of fund board)
Proposed short term option Short term option: Central Government to establish a capacity building fund (association member of fund board) Prepare a project proposal for donor to fund the contract of a consultant to design a proposal for a capacity building fund and action plan for lobbying with central government Prepare a project proposal for donor to fund the contract of a consultant to design a proposal for a capacity building fund and action plan for lobbying with central government Agree with donors on action plan to lobby with central government Agree with donors on action plan to lobby with central government Conduct a round table discussion with key government decision makers Conduct a round table discussion with key government decision makers Undertake study tour with key government decision makers to best practice country Undertake study tour with key government decision makers to best practice country Estimated cost: US $