Numbered Heads Step 1: Walk around the room until the music stops. Then create a group of 4 Step 2: Label yourselves from 1 – 4 Step 3: You will discuss the question posed with your groups. Step 4: I will randomly call on a group and a number to explain the answer to the question.
Numbered Heads Question 1: What is the difference between the Commutative and Associative Property? Question 2: What is a term? Question 3: What is the relationship between the words factor and product?
Exit Ticket for Homework 1. If 𝑦=2𝑥 and 𝑥=9𝑦−4, then 𝑥=_______________ 2. Evaluate 4 12÷ 6−2 2 3. Evaluate 2 𝑥 2 −𝑦 + 𝑧 3 if 𝑥=4, 𝑦=3, and 𝑧= 2
Topic 1: Order of Operations and Properties of Numbers Lesson 3 Corresponds to Section 1.2
Learning Targets Identify and apply Order of Operations Evaluate a numerical expression Evaluate an algebraic expression Use the exponent, adding, subtracting, fractions, and parenthesis functions on the graphing calculator
Exit Ticket for Homework Step 1: Take 1 minute to share the questions you created last night on your Cornell Notes. Step 2: Based on your exit ticket score, relocate. 1: Front of Room 2. Back of Room Step 3: Homework Assignment Refer to your homework chart Step 4: You have 3 minutes to discuss how to approach the homework problems together.
Homework Reminders No late work is collected Exit Ticket for Feedback must be attached to the homework assignment Problems will be graded for accuracy If you get the homework wrong, you will have a chance to correct it to redeem all homework points before the Unit Test.
Order of Operations Evaluating Expressions with a Calculator Locate the needed buttons on the graphing calculator Exponent, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Parenthesis, negative
Order of Operations Evaluating Expressions with a Calculator Example 1: Evaluate 48 ÷ 2 3 ∙3+5 In Calculator: 48/ (2^3) ∗ 3 + 5
Order of Operations Evaluating Expressions with a Calculator Example 2: Evaluate 15− 10+ 3−2 2 +6 In Calculator: 15 – (10 + (3 – 2)^2) + 6
Order of Operations Evaluating Expressions with a Calculator Example 3: Evaluate 4+5 2 3 7−4 In Calculator: Option 1: 2 Step Process Step 1: Numerator (4 + 5)^2 Step 2: Denominator 3(7 – 4) Option 2: Put additional parenthesis around the denominator (4 + 5)^2 / (3(7 – 4))
Order of Operations Evaluating Expressions with a Calculator Example 4: Evaluate 𝑎 2 3𝑏+5 𝑐 if 𝑎=2, 𝑏=6, and 𝑐= 4 In Calculator: 2^2(3 ∗ 6 + 5) / 4
Order of Operations Evaluating Expressions with a Calculator Example 5: Evaluate 4 𝑥 2 − 𝑦 2 + 𝑥 4 when 𝑥=4 and 𝑦=−5 Why is there a difference between (-5)^2 and - 5^2? In Calculator: 4(4^2 – (-5)^2) + 4^4
Additional Calculator Features Bringing up the previous entry 2nd ENTER (entry) Inserting a character 2nd DEL (ins)
Additional Calculator Features Converting a decimal to a fraction and vice versa MATH (1) ENTER MATH (2) ENTER
Topic 1 Quiz Review For the remainder of the time, you must be working on one of the following Homework Quiz Review Creating review notecards for the different numerical properties Revising, Adding Questions, Writing Summaries of your Cornell Notes