Character Foils In Antigone.


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Presentation transcript:

Character Foils In Antigone

What is a character foil? In fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character(usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character. ***Summarize these explanations!***

Antigone and Ismene While Antigone demonstrates power and control over her own fate, __________shows weakness and the inability to take her life into her own hands. Unlike Antigone, ______________constantly gives in to the stronger wills around her.

Antigone and Creon Antigone and ____________are vastly different characters. The conflict between the two becomes symbolic of female vs. male, family vs. government, and gods vs. man. The only thing that seems to be similar about the two characters is their stubbornness. When two such determined people collide there's bound to be tragedy.

Antigone and Oedipus Just like ________ she is stubborn, proud, and endlessly determined. Also, like __________ she has the ability to make quick and decisive decisions. Unfortunately, she is also similar to her father in that these seemingly positive traits lead to her ultimate destruction. Just like ____________, her choices bring about her downfall. Though they are similar, the two characters are also foils. They differ on a crucial point. While __________ shows disdain for prophecy, his daughter shows great devotion to the will of the gods. Perhaps she learned this from watching his downfall. Of course, this lesson doesn't seem to do her any good. It is her unrelenting devotion to the laws of the gods which causes her death. It is ironic that their downfalls are for exact opposite reasons.