Isotope Review Notes
Quick Review An isotope is an atom that has the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons compared to other atoms of the same element. ** If I change the number of protons, I change the element I have, so the number of protons will never change for a particular element ** The number of electrons can change, it’s called an ion, we will study those after break
We can write isotopes two ways Mass Number Mass Number C-14 Atomic Number
Start memorizing if you haven’t already… Protons = Atomic Number Neutrons = Mass Number – Atomic Number Electrons (since there is no charge) = the number of Protons
Draw the following pictures with the correct scientist's model Dalton’s Billiard Ball Model Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model Rutherford’s Planetary Model Bohr’s Ground State Model Electron Cloud Model
Why were all these guys so important… They helped us come to the conclusion that… Protons are positive Neutrons are neutral Electrons are negative Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus which is large and dense Electrons are found in the electron cloud that takes up most of the space of an atom which is pretty empty
Making Connections Like charges repel one another… and opposite charges are attracted to each other…
However… the nucleus has such a strong force that holds it together the positive protons inside are densely packed together
Goal for today… Thursday Test A Finish practicing isotopes Start the review sheet (finish for homework) Put your notebook in order Tomorrow… Review Game Opportunity for last minute questions Thursday Test A