AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/1/14 DOL #33 “On Dumpster Diving” multiple choice Individual practice Pairs Whole class Look at sample persuasive essay Homework “Language and Literature from a Pueblo Indian Perspective” for tomorrow (4/2) “Dwellings” for Friday (4/4) Vocab 17 quiz Friday (4/4)
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/2/14 DOL #34 “Language and Literature from a Pueblo Indian Perspective” practice multiple choice Individually In pairs Whole class Look at another sample persuasive essay Homework “Dwellings” for Friday Vocab 17 on Friday
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/4/14 DOL #35 Vocab quiz Practice short essay: In a well-argued essay, defend, challenge, or qualify the following claim: Linda Hogan’s “Dwellings” is an example of the type of storytelling explicated by Leslie Marmon Silko’s “Language and Literature from a Pueblo Indian Perspective.” In groups: compare and peer review essays If time: look at another sample essay Homework: Excerpts from The Jungle and Fast Food Nation for Monday
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/7/14 DOL #36 Meet in groups to compare / review essays The Jungle passage analysis
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/9/14 DOL #37 Vocab quiz #18 New vocab words Fast Food Nation passage analysis Stations Whole class Homework Julius Caesar pp. 48-59 for tomorrow
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/10/14 DOL #38 In pairs—paraphrase Portia and Brutus’s scene Identify lines in which Portia makes her argument. Identify the ways in which Portia makes her argument. Homework Read and paraphrase remaining Julius Caesar scenes for next week
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/11/14 Practice AP essay Junior class meeting @ 1:30 Homework Read the rest of the Julius Caesar packet, paraphrase Brutus and Antony’s speeches for Tuesday.
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/15/14 DOL #39 Work for over break Vocab 19 Quiz Score your own essay using scoring guidelines Score sample essays Rhetorical analysis of Brutus’s speech Homework Over break: read The Crucible Optional: Study guide
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/28/14 DOL #40 Gathering Vocab 20 quiz Vocab 21 words In-class writing on The Crucible Homework: optional study guide
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/29/14 Objective: to continue to prepare for the AP test by practicing developing text-based arguments in a short amount of time. (No DOL) Term 4 grading: Participation: 15% All assignments related to final project: 60% May include, but are not limited to, drafts, presentations, proposals, research process, final paper, reflections, literature circles All assignments not related to final project: 25% May include, but are not limited to, quizzes, in-class writings, processed papers, presentations, discussions, worksheets, projects Text-based discussion on The Crucible 15 minutes to prepare silently 50-55 minutes to discuss
AP Language and Composition: A Block 4/30/14 DOL #43 Introduction to final project Using research databases Homework: Study guide (optional) Library dates May 14th May 23rd May 30th June 2nd June 10th June 11th Final presentations (tentative) June 16th June 18th