What questions can we ask to help clarify welcoming and belonging? We want to foster belonging to what/who? Outreach to whom? (target audience) Outreach by whom? What are the obstacles? What methods? (remote, proximate, immediate) What are the joys and positive outcome for the parish community?
Individuals Parish staff Pastor/deacon Parish groups Entire Parish Diocesan Offices Bishop Outreach by whom? New parents Young children MS/HS youth College students Young adults Couples Working adults Retired/seniors Marginalized Outreach to whom? Jesus The Trinity Catholic Church Particular parish Diocese of Erie Church’s good works Small faith community Belong to whom or what?
Higher difficulty, Lower impact Higher impact Lower difficulty, Do an honest assessment of the potential impact of an initiative, as well as the labor required to do it successfully, and the likelihood of success. Higher difficulty, Lower impact Higher impact Lower difficulty, At first, strive for initiatives which are lower effort, with the likelihood of high impact.
Examples of Lower Difficulty / Higher Impact Training of Ministers of Hospitality. Designate Family to do liturgical ministries. Signage for facilities(bathroom, cry-room, office, schools, religious education, choir, etc.) Updated Contact list of each ministry, as well as contact information of person in charge. Welcome letter and packet from pastor. Lenten / Advent programs (simple meal with talk) Mentorship / Accompaniment
Examples of Higher Difficulty / Higher Impact Personal Invitation (invite people to help using their gifts and talents) Change of Pastor Change of Mass Times Secret Guest Survey Updated website Change of facility (welcoming / gathering space / accessible spaces) Additional staff…. Pastoral ministers, full time religious ed leader, full time youth minister,) Mentorship / Accompaniment (connecting people). Recognition / Appreciation dinners or programs. Retreat Programs.
Examples of Lower Difficulty / Lower Impact Coffee and Doughnuts after mass monthly. Announcement after Mass/ Parish Bulletin. Welcoming packets. Removing clutter, outdated materials, bulletin boards
Examples of Higher Difficulty / Lower Impact Change of Pastor. Survey what people like. Secret Guest Survey. Fish dinners or spaghetti dinners (fundraisers) Parish Picnic