King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Is: King of Kings Lord of Lords Rev 19:13-16
Jesus Speaks to the Authority of Jesus Eph 1:20-23, Phil 2:5-11
Jesus – King of Kings King in His Kingdom Appointed by God Lk 1:32-33, given throne of David, kingdom shall have no end Act 5:31, God exalted to His Right Hand to be a Prince and a Savior
Jesus – King of Kings King in His Kingdom Announced to be King at Birth Lk 1:32-33, given throne of David, kingdom shall have no end Mt 2:1-2, Wise men looking for Jesus the King of the Jews Jesus is King that Fulfills Prophecy Mt 21:1-11, Jesus, King of Jews, rides a donkey fulfilling prophecy Lk 19:38, blessed be the king…
Jesus – King of Kings King in His Kingdom Witnesses he was King Jn 1:43-51, Nathan proclaims Jesus to be the King of Israel Jn 18:33-40, Jesus is asked if he was King during his trial Jn 19:1-7, Soldiers put a crown of Thorns on Jesus, mocked him calling him King of the Jews Jn 19:12, 21, Jews knew he claimed to be King Jn 19:19-22, Title placed over his head
Jesus – King of Kings King in His Kingdom Reigning as King Mk 9:1, Some present would see the Kingdom of God come with power Mk 16:19, Acts 2:29-36 Jesus is received up into Heaven and is seated at the Right Hand of God Acts 7:55-56, Stephen sees Jesus standing at the Right Hand of God.
Jesus – Lord of Lords Lord Over All God Appointed Acts 2:36, God made him Lord and Christ Mt 28:18, all authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
Jesus – Lord of Lords Lord Over All Authority Over the Church Col 1:18, Head of the church, preeminence in all things Eph 1:22, And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church
Jesus – Lord of Lords Lord Over All Authority Over Man I Cor 6:19-20, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price Rom 6:15-23, Christians are servants of righteousness by the instruction of Jesus
Jesus Jesus is Lord Exercises Authority Over Creation & Demons Mt 8:1-4, cleansing of a leper Mt 8:5-18, curing a palsy and fever Mt 8:23-27, controlling the tempest Mt 8:28-34, casting out devils
Jesus Jesus is Lord He does/did not exercise Lordship over Man Service is Voluntary! Issue with Crusades to force adherence Mt 14:24-33, Peter walking on Water Mt 26:30-35, Peter & Apostles stumbling Mt 26:47-56, Judas betrays him Circumstances/imminent failure do/does not warrant Lording over others!!! If Jesus would exercise lordship over a person it would be when they were about to fail. Not even then.
Jesus Jesus is Lord Mt 11:25-30, Jesus is Meek and Lowly in heart Meek – yielding the will
Summary Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Man is not qualified to be such I Sam 8:5-9, Israel wants a King Was not God’s plan I Sam 8:10-18, Consequences for having a King besides God At a minimum it was not Go’s plan to have a physical reigning king; Man is not qualified to hold such a position; stronger point in next slide
Summary Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Man is not qualified to Exercise such Jew’s culture was into Lording of others Mt 23:4-12, Pharisees Mt 20:20-28, Apostles Jas 2:1-9, early Christians I&II Cor, Corinthian Christians I Pet 5:3, warning for Elders One of the qualities that Man is not qualified to do/have, along with judging, wrath, and vengeance
Jesus Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Have you submitted to our One True King and Lords’ Authority? Mt 7:21-23, acknowledging his authority is not sufficient Mt 11:25-30, He is Meek and Lowly We do have burdens to bear They are not grievous