Lisa Litchfield| SSIS Worker Mentor Coordinator SSIS Version 18.3 Updates Lisa Litchfield| SSIS Worker Mentor Coordinator Optional Tagline Goes Here |
Notice to Tribe of Services to an Indian Child The document of this name was removed in SSIS as obsolete. A new document is being created for V18.4. As an option, use eDocs DHS-5227- ENG egacy/DHS-5227- ENG 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Screening Allegation Details New Data Cleanup rule to require all Allegation Details to be screened prior to closing the Intake. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
New Child Maltreatment Report Address Type The address type of a CMR that has been transferred from another agency is called “Electronic Physical Address.” 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Service Outcomes Housing and Employment Outcomes now have the option of “Unknown.”
Analysis and Charting Measures Several of the Analysis and Charting Measures are no longer up to date and they are being removed from State Outcome Measures. These Include: MN1: Of all children where were victims of substantiated child abuse and/or neglect during the reporting period, what percentage had a subsequent substantiated allegation within 12 months? MN2: Of all children whose families were receiving child protection services during the reporting period, what percentage had a subsequent report of maltreatment that was substantiated? MN5: For all children who hd a termination of parental rights of any living parent at anytime during the year, what percentage experienced finalized adoption or reached the age of majority? SSIS 1: What was the percentage of child maltreatment assessments initiated within 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and over 120 hours of receipt Use Minnesota Outcome Measures MN8, MN9, MN10. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting School Districts The annual review of school districts has been completed and an update of all SSIS School Districts now displays in the Education drop-down field. Listing includes: Independent Public School Districts Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Schools Cooperative Facilities Charter Schools Intermediate Districts 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
OHPP’s for Non-Financially Responsible Agencies Ability to create OHPP’s for both financially and non-financially responsible agencies. If yes, the Primary permanency plan date to be achieved fields will be required. The plan autofills as it does now. If no, the Primary permanency plan and Primary permanency plan date to be achieved fields will not be displayed as they are no longer required. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Relative Notice of Foster Care Placement The “Relative Notice of Foster Care Placement” now contains a Print name line beneath the Signature line. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Child Maltreatment Screening Guidelines Report The Imminent Danger column has been removed for all reports after implementation of SSIS V17.3. This was when the revised Child Maltreatment Report was released. There is no longer a field identifying Imminent Danger. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Transfer of Child Maltreatment Report Data When transferring a CMR to the receiving agency, the intake and the following Participant data follows: General Person Demographics Names Race and Tribe Address Phone Email Relationships Diagnosis It is recommended that all information that is received in the originating agency is entered into the intake, CMR, and participant data.
SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting ICWA Active Efforts You cannot delete an ICWA Eligibility Determination if an Active ICWA Efforts record exists. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
ICWA Eligibility Determinations Original Wording: “Did either parent object to transfer to tribal court?” “Did the tribal court decline the transfer to tribal court?” New Wording: “Did either parent or Indian custodian object to transfer to tribal court?” “Did the tribe/tribal court decline the transfer to tribal court?” 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting Searches Intake Date Type has been added to Intake Searches. Added to: Intake Main Search Unassigned Intake Search Adult Maltreatment Main Search Child Maltreatment Main Search Workgroup Main Search Unassigned Workgroup Search Child Maltreatment Report Main Search Adult Maltreatment Report Main Search 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting EPS Icon Overlay EPS document icon overlay continues for: My Recent Intakes Intakes Needing Action All Recent Intakes Recent Intake Participants Intake Main Search Intake Person Search Adult Maltreatment Main Search 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting Clearing The Clearing function now retains all ethnic/race types entered for the Participant in the person merge process. The system will cause all historical records for both clients to be indexed to the merged client and will mark the client as cleared. It is up to the worker to determine the applicable races of the Client. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Housing and Employment Outcomes Housing and employment outcomes now requires the entry of the Staff Responsible or Contract staff fields upon opening. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Diagnosis/Disability/Substance The Treeview and Screen tabs are now ordered in the same way.
Notice of Determination Letters It is now possible to create NOD letters to “legally unlicensed day care providers.” 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
Reestablishment of Parent and Child Relationships Reunification Act of 2013 – MN statute 260C.329 “Reestablishment of the parent and child relationship.” Also exists for: New continuous placement discharge reason New event details – AFCARS reason discharged will state “Reestablishment of the legal parent and child relationship.
SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting Redacted Service Plan The Child/Youth’s name can be redacted from the footer of the document in Out of Home Placement Plans. 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting
“Some of the best memories are made in flip flops.” Karrie Elmore
SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting Thank You! Lisa Litchfield 651-431-4795 8/16/2018 SSIS Worker Mentor Meeting