Heart Rate Lab
General Info Written in 3rd person Using size 12 times new roman or calibri DOUBLE SPACED Must include title page Lab title Name Period Date Image (optional)
Introduction One paragraph long Includes Purpose of the lab Hypothesis: How do you think exercise affected your heart rate Background information General structure of the heart Generation of a heart beat
Procedure Materials Methods Both must be in paragraph form What you used Methods How you conducted the experiment Both must be in paragraph form
Results Data tables Graph X and Y axis labeled Key Your data Class data Graph X and Y axis labeled Key Title describing data presented in the graph
Discussion One to two paragraphs long Report your data and the class average How did exercise affect your heart rate? Did it increase or decrease HR? Which type of exercise had the greatest affect on your HR? Use data from lab to support your answer. Make sure to accept or reject the hypothesis bases on data collected from lab Describe a workout for ONE of the three people from the design a healthy heart activity 3 sources of error and how they affected your results