Macbeth Acts 3-5 Ms Westgate
Summarize Acts 3 through 5 What are the main events of Act 3? Act 4? Act 5? How fast is the pace? Any new conflicts?
Lady Macbeth and Macbeth Revisited What do you think of their relationship now? Has Macbeth’s opinion of his wife changed? How? How has your opinion of Macbeth changed? How has your opinion of Lady Macbeth changed?
Act 5: Lady Macbeth Comes Undone What is the significance of the sleepwalking scene? What message might Shakespeare be sending the audience?
What is the Climax of the Play? For Macbeth? For Lady Macbeth? For the audience? Are they the same? Why or why not?
Character Arch: Macbeth How does Macbeth change?
Identify the Antagonist(s)?
Shakespeare’s Opinion of His Audience At the end of Act 3, Lennox and Ross summarize what has happened so far. What does this reveal about Shakespeare’s opinion of his audience? Shakespeare does this in every play at the beginning, middle, and end.
What is the Role of the Witches? Why do the witches play such a prominent role in the play? Why in Act 4? What might they represent? Why does Shakespeare use the supernatural so much in this play?
Foul is Fair and Fair is Foul What does this theme mean? How is this theme woven into the play? Identify the various times it is referred to in the play. Act 1, Scene 1 – the witches introduce it
Other Themes in Macbeth Power Greed Man’s propensity for evil when not guided Death and loss Guilt will destroy Loyalty Women are weak/emotional and men are strong/cold/in control of their emotions
The Big Question Is man naturally evil? Without a moral compass will man always give into their “dark and deep desires?”