Standard Deviation for Probability Distributions Mr. Snyder Why??? WHy??? WHY??? Because Bob Ross says so!
From Last time… Mean of a discrete random variable: Probability for that give value Value for variable
Example x P(x) 1 0.16 2 0.22 3 0.28 4 0.20 5 0.14 Mean
Expected Value The mean is the expected value FOOL!!!
A word from sir waka flocka Hi I’m waka flocka and you can find the standard deviation too… Here is the formula:
Let’s TRY!!! So we found the mean of out sales it was 2.94 x P(x) 1 0.16 2 0.22 3 0.28 4 0.20 5 0.14
You Try!!! x P(x) 0.30 1 0.25 2 3 0.15 4 0.05