8 Parts of Speech REVIEW
N O U N S Noun: Person, place, thing, or idea Common nouns: name any one of a group Examples: Proper nouns: a particular Concrete nouns: can be perceived through senses Common nouns: beagle, student, teacher, restaurant Proper nouns: Snoopy, Charles Smith, Mrs. Terry, The Brick Concrete nouns: you can SEE, TASTE, SMELL, TOUCH, these nouns; dog, pencil, ice cream, dirt
N O U N S (more types of nouns…) Abstract nouns: idea, feeling, quality, character Examples: Compound nouns: two or more words used to form a single noun Collective nouns: names a group p.376 ex. 2, 3 Abstract nouns: Cannot use your senses; dignity, intelligence, deceit, curiosity Compound nouns: bedroom, blackboard, football Collective nouns: army, corporation, group, jury
P R O N O U N S Pronoun: used in place of one or more nouns (he, she, it, their) Personal pronouns: refers to one speaking, spoken to, spoken about 1st: I, me, mine, we, us, ours 2nd: you, your, yours 3rd: he/him/his, she/her/hers, it/its, they, them, their(s) -- Note: The word the pronoun refers to is an antecedent -- The apple is good. It is very sweet. 1st: I, me, mine, we, us, ours 2nd: you, your, yours 3rd: he/him/his, she/her/hers, it/its, they, them, their(s) --[Person pronouns are always pronouns, never adjectives]
P R O N O U N S Reflexive: refers to the subject and complements Sophie treated herself to ice cream. Intensive: emphasizes with no real grammatical function Albert himself organized the fundraiser. 1st: myself, ourself 2nd:yourself, yourselves 3rd: himself, herself, itself, themselves 1st: myself, ourself 2nd: yourself, yourselves 3rd: himself, herself, itself, themselves
P R O N O U N S Demonstrative pronoun: used to point out a specific noun Example: The brownies I made taste better than those. Interrogative pronoun: introduces a question Examples: Which of these songs are your favorite? Relative pronoun: introduces a subordinate clause John is my friend who is training for a marathon. Demonstrative: The brownies I made taste better than those. (this, that, these, those) Interrogative: Which of the songs are your favorite? ( who, whom, which, what, whose) Relative: Isabel is my friend who is training for the New York Marathon. (that, which, who, whom, whose)
P R O N O U N S Indefinite Pronouns: refers to one or more people, places, or things All Another Anybody Anything Both Such Something Each No one Nothing One Other Several Some Somebody Either Everyone Everything Everybody Few Many Most More Much Neither None STOP HERE: Complete pg. 376 ex. 2,3 p.379 ex. 5 (identifying antecedents) p.381 ex. 6 Noun-Pronoun Quizzes
A D J E C T I V E S Adjective : word used to modify a noun or pronoun; tells “what kind,” “which one,” and “how many” weather report spring sale brown hair Sixteen students
A D J E C T I V E S Demonstrative Adjectives: when this, that, these, those modify nouns/pronouns - when this, that, these, those take place of nouns they are called demonstrative pronouns Ex. Dem.Ad.: Let’s take these sandwiches and those apples on our picnic. Ex. Dem.Pro.: This is mine and that is his.
A D J E C T I V E S MOST frequently used adjectives: articles! http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/grammar/adjective/quiz219.html A An The p.396 Rv. A
Verb: word used to express action or state of being Examples:
V E R B Action verb: expresses either physical or mental action Examples: Linking verbs: connect subject to a word that describes the subject Forms of “to be” am being be is are was were shall be will be has been have been had been should be would be can be could be Action verb: write, go, think, believe
V E R B Helping Verbs: words used in a verb phrase Remember to identify ALL the verbs in a sentence: action, linking, and helping! can could do did does had has have may might must shall should will would p.392 ex. 15
A D V E R B S Adverbs: modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb an -ly ending is not a guarantee that a word is an adverb Marian Anderson performed magnificently. How Marian Anderson performed earlier. When Marian Anderson performed there. Where Marian Anderson performed widely. To what extent --Tell how, where, when, and to what extent p.395 ex.18 p.397 ex. 20 p.398 ex. 21 p.399 Review B ----SMARTBOARD Adverb Review
Adverbs Nouns or adverbs? They returned to their home. They returned home before noon Yesterday was a good day. The teacher reviewed what had been covered yesterday. When identifying POS, identify adverb words that modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs. 1.Noun 2. Adverb
P R E P O S I T I O N Preposition: shows relationship of a noun/pronoun to another noun/pronoun; relationship between two prepositional phrases; or the relationship between two independent clauses Examples: Careful: some prepositions can be adverbs when they modify the verb! The runner fell behind. Behind Around Off Over Across Beneath Out Under By In Near Upon
P R E P O S I T I O N Compound preposition: two or more words working together to form a preposition according to in back of ahead of in case of along with in front of as for instead of by way of out of due to up to except for with the exception of in addition to in spite of because of in regard to away from p.402 ex. 23 (prepositions only)
C O N J U N C T I O N S Conjunction: word that joins words or word groups Coordinating conjuntions: joins word groups that are used in the same way Examples: Correlative Conjunctions: pairs of conjunctions that joins word groups in the same way -- FANBOYS: and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet -- Both/and, either/or, not only/but also, whether/or, neither/nor, p.404 ex. 25
Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunction begins a subordinate clause and connects it to an independent clause. Careful! These words can sometimes be prepositions! After Although As As well as Because Before Even though How It Provided Since So that Than That Though Unless Until When Whenever Where Wherever Whether While Why
I N T E R J E C T I O N S Interjections: expresses emotion, have no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence Examples: p.407 ex. 27 p.409 Chapter Review SMARTBoard Review Game / SMARTBoard Jeopardy Game