Poll Everywhere & Kahoot! Alex Ibaraki & Marilyn Lee SMC Tech Friday 2015
Introduce Build Demonstrate
The 6 WH-Questions WHO benefits? WHAT are Poll Everywhere & Kahoot!? WHERE can they be used? WHEN can they be used? WHY use them? HOW do students and teachers benefit?
Poll Everywhere http://www.polleverywhere.com Create open-ended, multiple choice, or clickable image polls for free (paid upgrades available). Project the poll and students respond using their cell phones to text responses. See real-time results (requires an Internet connection). Great for warm-ups, introducing a new unit, evaluating prior knowledge, informal assessment, etc. Students feel comfortable participating, students have their ideas validated, and students are interested in the technology. Let’s see some examples!
Poll Everywhere In Action Multiple choice
Poll Everywhere Open-ended question “Give an example of food that is harmful to your health”
Poll Everywhere Let’s give it a try
Kahoot! https://getkahoot.com/ Students participate in multiple choice quizzes or surveys using their smartphones or tablets Allows instructor to provide informal assessments and provide immediate feedback Facilitates discussions with quick surveys Instructor can upload images and Youtube videos as visual components Students can create their own Kahoot! Let’s see an example!
Kahoot! in Action
Kahoot! in Action
Kahoot! in Action
Kahoot! in Action Let’s give it a try Log into kahoot.it
References Tremblay, E. (2010). Educating the Mobile Generation–using personal cell phones as audience response systems in post-secondary science teaching. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 29(2), 217-227. Shon, H. & Smith, L.A. (2011). A review of Poll Everywhere audience response system. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 29, 236-245. Hall, R. H., Collier, H. L., Thomas, M., & Hilgers, M. G. (2005). A student response system for increasing engagement, motivation, and learning in high enrollment lectures. Paper presented at the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Omaha, Nebraska. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching - http://cft.vanderbilt.edu/docs/classroom-response-system-clickers- bibliography/
Thank you for kind time and attention! Please feel free to get in touch if you would like a copy of this presentation or have any questions: Alex Ibaraki: ibaraki_alexander@smc.edu Marilyn Lee: lee_marilyn@smc.edu