CHAMPs for PowerPoint C Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P None, you are listening to teacher and watching short video clip. H Help Raise hand and WAIT to be called on. A Activity Discussion about Life Lessons, watching short video clip and short writing assignment M Movement None P Participation Head up, contributing ideas.
Life Lessons What have you learned?
Life Lessons Everyday we learn something- whether it’s fractions in math or not to wash a red sweatshirt with the white tees-
The Easy Way or The Hard Way Sometimes we learn things the easy way- For example: Mom told me not to wash the reds with the whites because it will turn everything pink. I believed her, so I never mix the reds and whites. I learned the easy way that I MUST separate my laundry. Sometimes we learn things the hard way- For example: Mom told me not to wash the reds with whites because it will turn everything pink. I chose NOT to believe her and decided to throw in the new red towel with my whites. Now, I have no more white tees and I have to save money to buy more because my mom said she told me not to do it and I chose to to do it anyway. I had to learn the hard way that mixing reds with whites turns all the whites pink.
Andy Rooney Andy Rooney was 92 years old when he died on Nov. 4, 2011. He was best known for his "60 Minutes" segments on CBS Sunday nights, where he shared his observations on everyday life. Here is a short video sharing a few of Andy Rooney’s life lessons (3:17):
What Have You Learned in Your Life? On a lined piece of paper, write 10 life lessons. Your life lessons can be both funny and serious. Please write in complete sentences. Be prepared to share a few of your life lessons with the class. For example: In my life I’ve learned that when the gas light in my car goes off, I need to get gas soon; not 2 days later. In my life I’ve learned it is really tough to earn someone’s trust back.
Guidelines for Activity Success This is a POSITIVE and school appropriate assignment. Any inappropriate references to drugs, alcohol, tagging, gangs, sex, violence, etc. will NOT be accepted. This assignment will be added to your portfolio in the “Class Work Samples” section; therefore, it is something you should be PROUD of. I am looking forward to learning from some of your life lessons.
CHAMPs for Independent Work Conversation None. H Help Raise hand and wait to be called on. If teacher is busy then quietly wait. A Activity Complete 10 Life Lessons M Movement None P Participation Head up, paying attention, completing assignment- not working on anything else.