Seven Principles of The Constitution
The Constitution…… It’s Alive!
1. Popular Sovereignty Who gives the government its power? WE DO WE RULE WE are the power behind our leaders
2. Republicanism How are the People’s views represented in our government? 1. By VOTING! 2. When you vote for your representatives, you are expressing your views. 3. To vote, you MUST stay INFORMED and PARTICIPATE in the process!
3. Federalism How is power shared? Power is divided between the national government and the state governments. Delegated powers are the national powers Printing money Reserved powers are the states’ powers Speed limits on the freeways Concurrent powers are shared by both Taxing the people
4. Separation of Powers The national government is divided into three branches: Legislative Executive Judicial
5. Checks and Balances How is power evenly divided? Each branch can exercise controls over the others. No single branch has all the power!
6. Limited Government How is abuse of power prevented? Constitution says lists powers denied to the government. EVERYONE MUST OBEY THE LAW! (Even the President.)
7. Individual Rights How are personal freedoms protected? Through a Bill of Rights